“Tighten up, soldiers. This is the military not daycare,” she bellows at us while judging our every move, or lack there of. Chins up, shoulders back, knees together. My eyes follow her across the room. Her heels click and clack across the floor, my heartbeat beats along with every step. She catches my gaze and I quickly turn my eyes straight ahead so as to not anger her. The clicking and clacking ...
Today is yellow.
Tomorrow might be green or blue or pink, but today, is without a doubt, yellow.
The sun rises above the hills cascading a warm light upon the lands.
The sunflowers dance in the morning breeze.
The dessert sits still with its glistening sands.
A cool air begins to blow through the trees.
Is tomorrow already upon the lands?
Everything around begins to freeze,
Children return to Moth...
It was Fall again, her favourite time of the year. Maple coloured leaves began their fall from the heights of the tree branches, withering not long after landing on the pavement. As night fell, the girl wandered aimlessly throughout a bustling park, enjoying the views of the season. A child running took a fall and scraped their knee in her path. She looked down, concerned, but decided not to inter...
Every night, the girl sits on her window ledge seemingly looking down upon something in her hands. Sometimes I can see her mumbling things to herself then jotting them down. Tonight I have decided I will write her a note and stick it on my window. I decided on a simple message. ‘Hello.’ I placed my paper on the glass and stuck it from behind with tape. I waited impatiently for her to hang up a rep...