“Tighten up, soldiers. This is the military not daycare,” she bellows at us while judging our every move, or lack there of. Chins up, shoulders back, knees together. My eyes follow her across the room. Her heels click and clack across the floor, my heartbeat beats along with every step. She catches my gaze and I quickly turn my eyes straight ahead so as to not anger her. The clicking and clacking halts before me.
“My office, Soldier, I think you aught to be taught a lesson,” She speaks quieter than before, but loud enough for me to hear her perfectly. She turns on her heel and beckons for me to follow, I oblige, she is my superior, I must do as she says.
We enter her office and she swiftly shuts the door behind me. She props herself up against her desk and looks at me with her head down, biting her lip. “You’ve been a bad boy, soldier,” I watch her approach me, my heart quickens and my breath shakes.
“I don’t want this,” I whisper, as she slides her hand down my closed shirt, undoing the buttons.
“At ease, soldier,” she replies menacingly. My throat chokes up as her hand gets closer and closer to my crotch. “Stop, please,” I grit my teeth and grab her hand. “Please,” she reaches my crotch and I gasp in surprise. The air in the room tightens around my throat with her unsolicited touch. “I don’t want this,” I repeat myself, somewhat louder but more distressed than before. “I think you do,” she replies. I close my eyes tightly and ball my hands into fists. My brain begins to panic, my eyes water up but I know there’s nothing I can do. No one would believe my if I told them. I can’t lose my position here. The other men would laugh at me. Ask me why I didn’t just enjoy it. Should I not want the touch of a woman? No, this isn’t what I want. Not at all. But I know I don’t have a choice. I can’t stop her. She unbuttons my trousers and begins to remove them. I feel the tears rip from my waterline and find their way down my cheeks. She does what she wants to me and leaves me a weeping mess on the floor. She bends down to my level and whispers in my ear.
“No one will believe you,”
Today is yellow. Tomorrow might be green or blue or pink, but today, is without a doubt, yellow. The sun rises above the hills cascading a warm light upon the lands. The sunflowers dance in the morning breeze. The dessert sits still with its glistening sands. A cool air begins to blow through the trees. Is tomorrow already upon the lands? Everything around begins to freeze, Children return to Mothers loving hands, The leaves on trees begin to seize, the temperature drops below degrees, Mother Nature falls to her knees crying ‘please,’ Everything is again at ease.
Today is blue.
Note: I’m not great at poetry it’s not something I do often but thanks for reading!
It was Fall again, her favourite time of the year. Maple coloured leaves began their fall from the heights of the tree branches, withering not long after landing on the pavement. As night fell, the girl wandered aimlessly throughout a bustling park, enjoying the views of the season. A child running took a fall and scraped their knee in her path. She looked down, concerned, but decided not to intervene as the child’s Mother quickly appeared on the scene. The girl left the park and re-entered the ever darkening city. It’s property value has fallen dramatically since the fall of it’s plastic production in the nineties. The waste from the production plants had caused much of the local wildlife to fall ill and die from pollution causing rioting and protesting. The girl trudged on deciding to head back to her apartment in the heart of the city. Her hair fell gently on her shoulders. A passing boy took notice of her beauty, so much so that he had almost fallen in love. A missed opportunity, perhaps? Nevertheless the girl continued to her lonely apartment. As she arrived, snow started to softly fall from the sky. Winters air began to cascade from the north. The girl clambered about with her keys before entering her apartment and locking the door from the inside. She quickly showered and headed off to bed. She had had a busy day, so it didn’t take her long to fall asleep.
Every night, the girl sits on her window ledge seemingly looking down upon something in her hands. Sometimes I can see her mumbling things to herself then jotting them down. Tonight I have decided I will write her a note and stick it on my window. I decided on a simple message. ‘Hello.’ I placed my paper on the glass and stuck it from behind with tape. I waited impatiently for her to hang up a reply. Hours passed and while completing my daily chores I took a quick glance out the window. A message had appeared on the girls window! ‘Hello, friend,’ it read, giving off an almost ominous feeling. The girl through the window wasn’t moving, she must have been asleep. I stuck up my reply of ‘how are you?’ And headed off to bed hoping for a reply in the morning. When I awoke I promptly, and groggily scampered over to my window ledge to see the reply. The girl hadn’t moved but there was a new reply. ‘Getting hungry again.’ It read. ‘Weird,’ I muttered aloud. I pondered a reply only to decide on ‘What do you like to eat?’ After carefully placing the note on my window I scrambled around my house getting ready for work before leaving for the day. On my way to the car I took a quick glimpse at my neighbour in the window. She was still in the same position, almost as if she hadn’t moved for days. I trudged through the day and eventually made it home filled with excitement to see the neighbours reply. ‘Meat.’ It read. It took me by surprise but I blew it off and hung up my next question. I thought I would get my neighbour to elaborate on the subject so I asked, ‘what kind of meat?’ After placing it on the glass I took a quick trip to the bathroom only to be greeted by a new reply. ‘I would love to have you for dinner, come over,’ I was taken aback by this response but curiosity got the best of me so I slipped on my shoes and went straight over. I peered up at the girl on my way only to find she still hadn’t moved from her spot on the window. I knocked on her front door only to find it wasn’t fully closed and pushed open with my gentle taps. I cautiously stepped into the house and searched for the room with the girl in the window. After checking all the rooms and finding them to be empty only one remained. I pushed open the door and was horrified by what stood before me. The room was cold, like a refrigerator. The girl sat on the window with flesh torn off the outward facing parts of her legs and arms. Some of it was strung up to dry in another part of the room. I began feeling nauseous with the smell and sight of what I was seeing. I emptied the contents of my stomach on the floor by my feet but froze when I heard footsteps behind me. A bloodcurdling voice spoke out. ‘I will be so happy to have you for dinner,’