'It’s impossibly ugly this sweater, but I wear it each week, no matter the weather.'

Use this line as inspiration for a poem.

The Past Me

With a jacket upon my form

I feel ever so safe

Blue, grey, red

Never white

My days continue

And my mind in flight

I feel shielded from the world

Walled from reality

With a turtleneck pulled to my chin

I can face all things

Even if I’m in a match

And the fighting bell rings

My parents urge me

To left go of my jackets

But to remove my jacket—

To remove my shell

I am left open to the elements

And that’s a different kind of hell

But I’m doing better now

I’m wearing more clothes

I can express myself—

I’m talking more than I used to

Of course, I still have my jacket; my shell

And I’m also sure you do

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