It’s impossibly ugly This old sweater of mine Yet I wear it each week No matter the time
And no matter the weather Sleet, rain, or snow I wear this sweater every seven days No matter where I go
It’s swollen and itchy With threads falling away I’ve had it for years I know it’s here to stay
Too long at the waist Too short at the arms Colors mismatching Yet it has its charms
My sweater is absurdly warm Like a cozy old blanket It hugs me tight And I know that I’ll make it
So to others I say Don’t judge my sweater You’ll need one too When you find yourself in bad weather
When a vase breaks And shards are scattered It seems forever ruined And to be fair, it is It will never be smooth Or hold no scars Ever again But that’s not the point The point isn’t to prefect the vase again It’s to put it back together With all its glue marks and stains The vase will never be perfect But it will be compete So why’s it matter if it’s perfect? If the vase is happy Happy to finally be put back together Then you should be too The vase isn’t perfect But it is trying The vase is content with what it has become
He will give you death And you will love him for it He will show you darkness And you’ll shut off your light He will eat away at everything you ever were And you’ll will supply him the remaining shards Never will he apologize And never will you leave For you are caught In an endless cycle of greed Never will he surrender Never will he heed He rides off into the darkness Utop his noble steed Violent in the night, loving in the day He changes like the tide You want to leave To say goodbye Yet your forgiveness stands in your way The one you once loved Left long ago Replaced by only this beast Stranded on an island Trapped by rusty chains Your lonesome heart will never beat Will never see the day He will never quit Never grant your wish And never shall you leave For this is life The life you chose Even as it is fire that you heave
This is a place A place just round the bend Where all good stories Come to an end
Where treasures are lost A peace is found We soon all end up Six feet under ground
They say don’t worry It’ll be just fine Yet they themselves run From the monster called time
Flowers born of sorrow Where trees are always weeping Here is where we go To begin eternally sleeping
Embers flying Fires burning Cities on the ground
People crying Memories dying The world is crumbling down
I have lived on the east coast of the US my whole life, so I am lucky enough to not be effected by the fires in California. But many where not so lucky. I cannot even being to imagine the pain so many are going through right now. To anyone reading this who is effected by the fires, my heart goes out to you. Stay safe out there. ❤️❤️❤️
The interaction was small It barley lasted a moment But I keep thinking it over And my fast-beating heart shows it
I never knew who you were Not before today But when that smile of yours crosses my mind I rewind, then hit play
I’m unfamiliar with this feeling Though I’ve had crushes before They haven’t peaked my interest like you have None have made my heart soar
Such a small thing Our little moment was Yet still it consumes me From my head to my toes
So I’ll wait till tomorrow As a intrigued soul does I’ll wait for our next moment That’ll make my heart buzz
Red is the color of anger Scalding and hot Boiling over In a barely stable pot
Yet it is also warmth A fireplace glow It takes you away To places no one knows
The color of strawberries Sweet and juicy Harvested in summer Where they hold the most beauty
Red is an angery Beautiful color Red is warm And soft as butter
Red is a place That nobody knows And when hiding in a corner This color finally glows
17:46, Planenthia
Entry begins __ We named the creatures Kleto. They thrived in the mostly hydrogen atmosphere of their home plant, Planenthia. Never before, in all of our explorations, had we seen specimens such as the Kleto. They where short and stubby, almost resembling baby penguins of earth. Their diet consisted of native vegetation and small crill-like organisms. They lived and traveled in groups of 5-10, mating with those in their group. It seemed that they had no social hierarchy and relied heavily on eachtoher. We will begin genetic studies in these creatures tomorrow. Entry ends __ __ __ 18:63, Garnenth Space Shuttle__ __ Entry begins __ We took a male Kleto in for studies today. It did not react to the sedative and seemed threatened by our presence. the Kleto called for its group members and its call was answered 7 adult Kleto.they are attacking the ship now and half our crew has been injured I am hiding in the engine room I hear banning they are coming for me- Entry ends
It was loud.
Loud loud loud loud. Voices shot angery words at my reflection. The voices where my own, birthed from my mind. They hurt, yet I could not stop them. I never could.
At least that’s how it was only moments ago. Now, it was uncannily silent. A feeling I was unused to.
Instead of the sea of darkness, of angery voices and sharp knives, it was lighter. I was lighter. My sagging shoulders had been relived of their weight. The view was softer, like instead of a thundering monsoon it was a calm pitter-patter of rain on a roof. It was… beautiful.
“Where am I?” I half whispered, half gasped in a broken voice that hadn’t been used in a while.
A cloaked figure entered my line of vision, but I didn’t feel startled. I didn’t want to run, or hide myself. I felt at ease, for some reason I could not explain.
The figure spoke. “You are in a place where your greif and self-hatred have no power. You are in a place greater than all your terrible feelings. Welcome, child. To the land of beyond.”