by N. @ Unsplash

You are anonymously given a map for your birthday, and assume it's a joke. Until you look closely...

Is This Good

I am writing a book. I need to know if this beginning chapter is hooking. It is only the draft and I haven’t finished it, but there is no point to keep writing if it isn’t hooking. So please let me know if it is hooking and good, or if there is anything you think I could do to make it better.

Lets see if we can make it one day without fighting. “What did you do!” My my Mom screams from downstairs. I look at the clock, a new record. Thirty three minutes and twelve seconds with out fighting!

I head down the stairs to see what happened this time. A giant puddle of lemonade is stretching across the kitchen floor going into the carpets under the kitchen table.Standing in the middle of the puddle is my Mom and my Grandpa.

“Why did you do that Dad!” My mom screams infuriated with my Grandpa.

“That wasn’t my fault, that was your fault! You walked right into me!” My grandpa argues back at my mom.

As they argued back and forth over who spilled the lemonade I headed for the paper towel on the kitchen counter. I pear around the edge and see my dad in his office plugging his ears trying to ignore my mom and grandpa arguing.

I grab the roll of paper towel and trudge for the puddle. I bend down on my knees and start wiping up the mess. It is a sticky yellow mess. The carpet might be ruined.

“ I’m done talking to you!” Harshly screams my mom. I look up and then she pushes my grandpa. She storms off for her bedroom. My grandpa is fighting to say up but finally falls with a thud.

“Gramps!” I quickly scurry to my feet.” Are you okay?” I look down at him, I could tell he was in pain. I reach my hand out.

“I’m okay.” Gramps grunts. He grabs my hand and I pull up with all my might. “I’m just gonna go sit down for a few.” He takes a step and howls in pain. I grab a chair from the kitchen table and gramps sits in it.

He make a grimacing face. “Let me grab you some ice.” I dash for the refrigerator and open up the left door and grab a hot pink icepack from the shelf. I hand gramps the icepack.

I sprint towards my dads office. He looks stressed, he is tugging on his hair. “ Dad, I think gramps is hurt.” He looks at me with a concerned look.

“Whats wrong?” He says as he glances at his computer.

“Mom pushed gramps and he fell hard onto the floor.” He looks up with a scared look and jumps up off his chair and nudges me to the side and quickly walks out the door.

“Harold are you okay?”, my dad looks to gramps, “ Emerson keep a eye on gramps.” I nod with agreement and stand next to gramps. My dad charges for my parents bedroom.

There is still a giant lemonade diaster laying on the kitchen floor. “ Gramps do you need anything?” He shakes his head no. I start cleaning up the spill with the paper towels.

My dad barges into the room and yells, “What is wrong with you? You pushed your own dad over and hurt him!” It falls silent between the four of us. Then you can hear faint crying from my parents bedroom.

This is all I have so far, please let me know what you think of it.

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