Music’s Heart Beat

Music’s heart beats for us all.

Our body’s become warm again to its rhythm.

Thawing our coldest surfaces.

Springing life back into our body.

Music’s heart beats for our healing inside.

Our ears listen to the melodies played.

From all the sad, happy and neutral voices.

Bringing joy to our life another day.

Music’s heart beats for our movement.

Our body reacts to the music, invited by the ears

They are happy.

They start to dance.

Our body moves on its own, setting its own pace to match the rhythm even.

Music’s heart beats for our brains.

Our ears take in the words and thoughts to our brain.

Our brain resonates with the heart. They are both happy.

They work harder, making our signals crazier.

Music has brought life into our souls.

Music has brought colours into our souls.

Music has brought feelings into our souls.

Music has brought that heartbeat into our souls.

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