Writing Prompt
The darkness turns whiter, No that’s just the brightness of the sun outside, I wake up and my hair looks like a web dome by a spider, Rolling over to get my body back to life
I go to the bathroom, I brush my teeth take a shower and it starts to dawn, That while I’m singing and thinking in the shower, My mind drifts off to a place where I was someone that had no money, No room no clothes no bath no place no friends, So how’d I wake up in my bed
I don’t mind it much, I mean I have everything I’ve ever wanted, A tv some food in the fridge and a place to stay, But I look at my texts it says, “Get to the studio now” then I get a call, “WHERE ARE YOU!” They scream, “I’m coming” is what came out of my mouth, I was so startled I ran to the last address this phone had, And sure enough it was the studio
I guess I have all my dreams now, But I don’t even know the journey, I don’t know the people, I don’t know the place, I don’t even know of my fans who’ve heard me
Goodmorning they say as I walk by, Goodmorning to the guy that just stands at his desk eats a bagel and I lie, Saying “Hey how you been” acting like I know him, I guess this is what I wanted, People to know me, See me, And say goodmorning as I pass by, So I say to the person who called me here “GOODMORNING”
I’m awake I sleep six hours every night But I’m always awake The pain in my chest The shortness of breath from the lungs The pain of nausea in my stomach It keeps me awake Being anxious all the time Confused and stressed over little things It keeps me awake and alive But also in pain So I have to chose Being awake Or being asleep
Hidden they stay but present on the past, can you see them staring from the window of the roof? You are deaf to yourself, and it is meant to last, maybe you dont want to believe but i can show you proof. so slowly it is a bomb waiting to blast, the human mind is not bullet proof.
Growing the brain when causes are hidden, afraid of pulling the blindfold for what they promised. If you try to change it will it be forgiven? The ones unaware are the calmest.
Stitches, claws and hurt, despite you elevating you will always fall. Dont even say no to a pervert, after all it is all your fault. Hate the one that is your brother and make them introvert, no one ever cares for the one that their eyes know all.
Shame is imposed if you speak, so instead shut your mouth and a puppet you will be. If you see you better take out your eyes, No one wants to see how you cry. Dont believe what you hear because your ears lie, they lie for you to know what they want. Touch is the one proof of nothing, it was never announced the hand of the truth. Taste the poison they give, a snake that deceives is more than a trick under the sleeve.
When you wake up, keep your eyes shut, sleep is good, awake is bad, just pretend, unless you want to die.
As the night wanes, the dawn rises weary and old, Rays of light from a broken sun hits, torn Eyes barely shut, shunning the daylight. The covers pull in, like that of a blight.
The seven of anything, take me back Take me so i don’t face the wreck that is my life. Oh to not wake. Soul is bent to the point of break.
The embrace, take and hold me, myself and who i am to be Oh the fight, the war, i am torn Must rise, may it be weary may it be old.
I wake. I walk. I wander. Across this vast, empty world.
I don’t feel much, aside from a growing feeling inside. What does it mean? I don’t know, but it won’t subside. It makes me blue, it makes me red, it makes me green.
I’m screaming, I’m crying because of it. Yet, I am also breathing and laughing and smiling So I realise, bit by bit Something is happening…
For what can bring both joy and pain, both depression and elation. The answer is really quite simple: Love. The loss and the gain of it sets in motion the greatest feelings ever known, whether dragging us to the depths below or the lifting us to the sky above.
I love love. And that is all.
I see myself in you.
Coffee-stained coasters yank me from cables of ego. Cords numb my legs as they tangle themselves between my spirit and I find myself tainted with green.
I see myself in you.
Up here, I control the heights. A great wave will boom on your shore until you notice my damage, I will make sure of it.
I chase Discord peacefully, they never notice. I want them to. I want them to see me,
A pillar in the sky. I want to overwhelm. I want to harm and be harmed. I want consequences to tower over everything. I want to overlook and follow all your wrongdoings,
I see myself in you.
I want to do what you do. A careless and reckless force that I can never be. My throat clenches, I want to be. I want to be seen. I want to ruin and be ruined, I want to climb and fall and climb and fall and climb and fall and climb until the entire world knows I’m tired.
I’m tired of being a strong, gentle, understanding, and empathetic guardian.
I belong on stilts. Stilts so heavy, that they pierce the Earth’s crust. Stilts so large, that no one can escape.
I see myself on stilts. I see myself in you.
You who are triggered enough to be violent. You are loud enough to force everyone to hear you. You… You are everything I want to be.
I was made of ice You were the Sun’s beloved heir I waited daily for the quiet night to come You were the first to light up theirs But when your beam touched gently my corners, I fell into my own poodle of tears And that’s how I learned how quickly ice can melt When being in the right space
I never sleep in the car, but I remember how calm you made me.
I woke up because I snored.
You were listening to a podcast so low I don’t know how you could even hear it.
“You weren’t asleep long.” “I never sleep in the car.”
The stars were bright as the desert flew by us. Sagebrush Creosote Dust
I felt so calm, surrounded by red dirt and wide wide space.
“We’ll stop at the next town. Maybe 20 minutes.”
I drink some water and stare out the window as the big dipper smiled at me.
I could live forever in this car.
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