Red Roses

Write a poem using this as the theme

Like A Red Rose

Red like the color of my cheeks when we embrace,

Holding me tight against your chest as if I’m going to disappear,

Oh, how my face warms up from your presence alone,

Our love is like a red rose.

Velvety like the feeling of your soft lips latched onto mine,

Every single kiss melting my heart into sludge,

Hands touching, skin touching,

Our love is like a red rose.

Precious like every moment we spend together,

Even if it’s mundane, simple,

Every second with you is beautiful,

Our love is like a red rose.

Lovely like the many smiles we’ve shared,

The comfort and joy you’ve given me,

How your beauty and grace shines through everyday without fail,

Our love is like a red rose.

I wanted to give you this,

To show my love for you,

To show my thankfulness,

Because our love won’t fail to flourish. 🌹

(Happy Valentine’s Day btw!!!)

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