You walk into your office one day to find your doppelgänger sitting at your desk, answering emails.

What happens from here?

Great day!

Shocked Jenna said,” Hello, what is your name?”

“I’m Cindy,” she said admittedly.

“Why are you doing my job?” said Jenna.

“Well…..I saw you on the street and wanted to meet you and figured no one but you would notice,” said Cindy. “Your boss isn’t here yet and I found the door unlocked sooo.”

“Do you know how to do my job? I could train you more quick then I really need a break. Then we could trade back after lunch?” said Jenna.

“I’ll do that,” said Cindy. “Today is my day off from my job. Meet me for lunch at Sue’s Coffee and Sandwich Shop on Main.”

“Wow! Thanks I need this break! See you then,” said Jenna.

Cindy continued to work while Jenna went home to rest and read her book until lunch. The boss didn’t notice the different employee.

At lunch Cindy and Jenna ordered drinks, soup and chicken croissants and sat together.

“So it’s uncanny how alike we look,” said Jenna. “Who are your parents?”

“My parents are Sally and James Knight,” said Cindy. “I grew up with my mom.”

“My last name is also Knight spelled K-N-I-G-H-T. I grew up with my dad and his name is James,” said Jenna.

Neither spoke for a few seconds letting the truth sink in. “So we’re twins? I didn’t know I had a twin,” said Cindy.

“I didn’t either,” said Jenna. “We need to figure this out and surprise our parents.”

“I agree. Mom lives in Indiana,” said Cindy.

“Dad lives in Michigan,” said Jenna. “The next holiday is Thanksgiving. Should we spring it on them at Thanksgiving or before?”

“I think before, then maybe we could do holidays together in the future,” said Cindy. “Is Dad married?”

“No, he was but she died of cancer,” said Jenna. “Is mom married?”

“It’s just me and her—a twosome. We have a lot of fun,” said Cindy.

“Let’s each call our parent and tell them what we know just to see their reactions.” said Jenna.

“We’ll meet here on Sunday,” said Cindy.

They each called the parent they grew up with. Cindy dialed the phone,”Mom, what’s up?”

“I’m tired and relaxing on the couch,” said Sally. “How are you?”

“I’m fine….I met a new friend today and… she looks like me,” said Cindy. “Her dad’s name is James.”

Jenna dialed her phone and James answered,” Hello.”

“Hey dad. How’s life? Do I have a twin sister?” said Jenna.

The silence on other end of the line screamed at her. “Dad?” said Jenna.

“Jenna, I’m shocked. How did you know?” said James through tears.

“I found her working at my desk when I arrived at work today. Then we met for lunch while she did my job and I had a much needed break,” said Jenna. “We figured out we had the same parents. Her name is Cindy and Sally lives in Indiana.”

“Wow! You learned a lot quick,” said James.

“Dad, why did you keep this secret from me?” said Jenna.

“Your mom and I decided it was for the best. We got along but at that time we had jobs in different countries and neither of us wanted to give in to move with the other,” said James as he walked around the room.

“Do you want to meet Cindy?” said Jenna.

“I’d love to but we need to run that past your mom first. I haven’t talked to her in years. Does she know you found each other?” said James.

“Cindy is telling her like I did and we’ll meet up on Saturday at the coffee shop,” said Jenna.

“Cindy what do you mean…….your new friend looks like you?” said Sally.

“Just what I said and I mean really looks like me. I met her for lunch today and we found out we have the same parents. Her name is Jenna and she lives with James Knight in Michigan,” said Cindy.

“They live in Michigan?” said Sally.

“That’s all you have to say, Mom! Why the secret? I would love to have known I had a twin sister,” said Cindy.

“Your father and I thought it best,” said Sally.

“We know about each other now. Can we meet?” said Cindy.

“I’ll call your father. Does he know?” said Sally.

Sally and James spoke and agreed to meet the girls on Saturday. Sally and James loved talking to their girls; it was a great day.

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