James Bay🤠

I looked for what I wasn’t sure.

I watched interwoven lifelines,

Frozen memories in ink,

Borrowed secrets, borrowed time.

My skin felt raw with how I ached for anyone.

No not anyone,

My someone.

They’d be kind, inquisitive,


I watched it taken. I watched it break. I watched it grow.

It was ripped from my grasp so many times before I could get a grip, and as it played in the keys of silence, it slipped through my chances. And reality awakened dreams watching them fade between the stress fractures.

And I was homeless.

I hated who I’d become.

Forever incomplete, Missing out on what I’d never known, reaching for a need I don’t need.



As I placed it back on the shelf,

And left the store

Helium cut without any strings.

So I let it go.

I let it be.

I let them be them.

And I’ll be me.

I’ll be me.

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