In a heart-shaped box, a mother keeps her children’s teeth...

Use this as the opening line to a story or poem, and decide whether this narrative will have a sweet or harrowing tone.

Children’s Dilemma

In a heart-shaped box, a mother keeps her children’s teeth. Every time the naughty kids chose the wrong answer, she would take a tooth out from each of their small mouths as a means of discipline.

Every Saturday at the dusk of dawn, the mother would gather the children, all six of them, in the living room to play a game. The game had no rules, no guidelines, and no properly set conditions; to play, you had to guesstimate. There could only be one winner, and that sole winner would save themselves a week of keeping their teeth, while the losers faced the consequences. If there were no winners, they all lost a tooth, simple. To the mother, who had a long history of being monitored in asylums and psychiatric wards as a child, she viewed this as an act of discipline and a fair lesson for her children to understand and learn. It was her act of love and care for them.

Every time a child lost all of their teeth, they would be gone the next morning without a trace, and none of the other children could question the sudden disappearance. The last child, who was not taken, would be declared the winner. They would be granted an excellent opportunity as a prize for their achievement— being able to dig up all their loser siblings’ bodies and fragments of their teeth underneath the floorboards of the mother’s heart-shaped coffin…

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