Write an intense scene using a genre or trope you've never explored before.
The Invasion
Blood sprayed across the field, hitting my cheek as I ducked behind a mound of dirt. I gasped and whipped it from my cheek. Who it came from was unknown. I just knew that it was sticky ans wet blood.
There were more shouts and screams as more shots were fired. I could see women and children running for safety in the king’s fort. Only time would tell if the man would actually provide them with what they needed. It was the selfish man’s fault after all. All of this is his fault.
When the Scratta came, the other world leaders offered alliances with them. They gladly accepted. Peace was forged. Until they came here. The king refused to make peace with them. They brought thrust weapons upon us, killing us with painful shots. That was just the start of the War of 2076.
I fired my revolver at one of the Scratta. I managed to hit it in one of its six heads, killing it. I then ducked back under cover. I reloaded my revolver with the electric bullets meant for killing these beasts.
It would only be a matter of time before this battle was lost. So many others had already died. It would only be a matter of time before I followed.
Suddenly, a Scratta jumped on top of my mound of dirt. It’s scream pierced the air. I screamed as well. A thick, scaly claw grabbed my neck. I pain rippled across my body.
Blood flowed from a new gash.
There was a squeezing.
Then a hiss.
Then more pain. So much more pain. Piercing pain.
Then I saw my heart in the creature’s hand.
Then it all went dark.