By Jeandaniel Francoeur @ Unsplash

Write a romantic story or poem that could be titled 'Dancing in the Rain'.
We Met In The Rain
Walking along the busy streets, Sky Was in a hurry to get to the fountain where she’d make a wish. She then runs into James, and smacks him, spilling his coffee all over her. Rain was falling from the sky, and it wasn't just any rain that was making its way down the streets of Diver Valley. No, this storm was different than all the others had been, a storm with no known beginning nor end, but instead a continuous flow of grey that seemed to be everywhere. It's not like there hadn't always been storms around, or even for that matter that the weather could ever be good without one, but since the last one was so many years ago that the people living here have grown accustomed to them. The rain didn't just fall when it wanted to though, if you looked up and tried hard enough you could see some stars peeking out through the gray clouds above them, and then it started raining harder on that one, as well.
They lived near the town, and they could walk to most places because of how close the houses were to each other. Even so, today was more rainy than usual, and the roads were covered with water, so much so they would probably have to drive through the mud if they wanted to get anywhere. The roads might not have been too bad if they weren't so muddy and slippery. They'd gotten used to it after awhile though.
She didn't seem to care though, and James doesn't mind either.
He walks with her, asking questions about what's going on and she responds excitedly. They both go into the shop where the fountain is located, James gets himself something sweet while Sky makes a wish and leaves, smiling and happy at herself. Her smile falls once she steps outside though. The rain hasn't stopped yet, but it isn't raining nearly as heavily anymore, so she can go home now. But, she isn't quite done with James yet. She wants to spend more time with him. Get to know him. Skye has an obsessive personality.
James smiles, waving goodbye to her and walking off towards home, still talking to himself about what was going on in the shop he walked into moments ago. She watches him walk away before she starts to make her way back home, stopping to catch a glimpse of his back as he heads inside his house. James lives alone and stays to himself most time. She can see where he lived and it's actually pretty nice, but it's also empty. He never has anyone over, and Skye knows why, she saw his room at his place once, and it looked nothing like this. There are statues everywhere, and his walls are littered with books and comics. She likes seeing him like that, thru his window, she could see it all. If she had the guts she would've gone up to his door and knocked with a smile for him, talked to him, maybe even kissed him. Skye sighs, shaking her head, not really wanting to think about things she shouldn't. She looks at her watch as she continues her way back home. It was getting late and she didn't want to spend all her time obsessing over James.