"The End". Write a story based on this theme.

The end

As I sank to the dirt I knew in my heart that this was the end, this was letting go. This was acceptance that the man who had spent his life making sure I was okay wouldn’t be my guardian angel any longer. At least not an Alive guardian angel. They say loved ones watch over you from heaven, but since you’ve been gone I miss your presence. I can’t feel you anymore. Maybe it took me too long to accept you were gone, and you left. Whatever it is, I’d give anything to feel your arms around me again. I’d give anything to feel like I didn’t have to let you go. I’d give anything to feel that this wasn’t the end of our relationship. The one fostered from my birth, when you’d lay me across your forearm, when you’d read to me. But regardless of what straws I grab, you are gone, I can’t find you, this is truly, the end.

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