Submitted by Miki
Your character wakes up at the same time everyday to the sound of someone calling out their name. As the days go on, the voice only gets louder.
Write a story about the voice, what it sounds like, and where it wants your character to go.
A Voice
The voice dragged me from the depths of my sleep. I glanced outside to see the sun on the brim of rising. The husky voice again awoke me at this time.
I shook my head and grabbed a blanket to drap over my cold body.
Today I had to go to the neighboring village to buy seeds for Father, but I could tell a storm was brewing.
“If the storm is too violent, stay in Woodville,” Father said, giving me extra coins in case I had to stay in an inn.
I walked for about an hour, the songs of the birds dragging my dreamy feet to Woodville. I loved these walks; I could escape work for a day and enjoy the tranquil presence of nature.
**_LUELLE, DUCK! _**
The voice caused me to suddenly bend down, the dirt covering my knees.
Just as my head moved down, a razor sharp knife sliced the air where I once was.
I screamed and then ran.
My feet dodged fallen branches and rocks as I ran away from a large man with a growling voice.
I could hear him yelling for me, telling me I was payment.
I didn’t try to understand him, I only focused on escaping.
The husky voice was louder now and had an urgency in its tone.
It sounded like a man, and he was anxious.
I found a stack of rocks and ran for them, my feet brisk and light.
A hole was open near it, but it plummeted down to darkness.
Do I dare trust this voice?
“You’ll be tasty, that’s for sure!” The large man shouted, edging closer and closer.
I glanced at him, he was non-human, a vampire for sure, hunting me down for his next meal.
Without a second thought I jumped down the hole, following the voice.
I land in soft arms.
My eyes are still closed when the voice again speaks, though, this time I can feel the breath of him, speaking in my ear, “You’re safe Luelle, but I fear you’ve only made Draven’s hunt more intense.”
I opened my eyes to see a tall, familiar man. His golden blonde hair and forest green eyes brought tears to my eyes.
It was Evan.
I hugged him, and he laid a small kiss on my forehead.
He had come back for me.
“I’ll never leave you again, my love,” he spoke, setting me in my feet.
“I heard your voice,” I said, smiling.
“Once I heard Draven, the vampire king, wished to find you, I was too far to keep you safe, so I had to amplify my voice.”
“Draven?” I questioned. Why would the vampire king wish for me?
“Yes,” Evan started, “he found out your a descendant of the Forest Queen. He heard how your Father could grow the most powerful crops on earth, and he knew you’d hold special blood.”
I gulped down my fear. I had Evan with me, no one would dare hurt me.