Write a poem that begins with a focus on loss, and concludes with a focus on love.

Think about the sturctures and flows that you can use to change the focus from beginning to end.


My sweet baby girl

I miss you very so much

My heart had never known such love

Such joy

But on the opposite side of that coin

My heart had never known such pain

Such brokenness

The day I lost you

Your 5th birthday

The day started so beautifully

I gave you your favorite food

We napped together

I took you on a walk

We played together

I had absolutely no idea

The day would end so badly

I had no idea

How my heart would shatter

How my legs would give out

How my screams would carry

I had no idea

The absolute desperation I would feel

As I held your little body

Struggling for breath

So cold

And as I watched you

Breath your last

I felt a piece of my soul

Leave with you

I have tried to move forward

I am trying to heal

Taking it day by day

Hour by hour

Minute by minute

And now

Your new sister is coming home

This weekend

I wish you could meet her

But I know you are looking down on us

Wrapping us in your love

I know we will be okay

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