
Of all the millions and billions of women.

Generations after generations.

My heart chose you Emma.

My gorgeous wife.

My soul’s tranquility. I admire your ravishing nature of softness. I crave for you every single moment. In everything breath. In every heartbeat. Your presence ignites my spirit.

Long live your soul my dear.

Memories and promises of love has casted a light of hope in our path. You remain the crescent moon.

The shooting star of the nights.

My angelic wife.

You glare in my air. In your presence my rose, trees tango to La Cumparsita.

Life without your is like a World without sun.

A night with a beautiful stars.

I flow like river with you by my side.

I melt like iceberg in your eyes.

You keep me ever so alive.

Tomorrow will come with a burst of happiness with you.

We walked through many bumps and tedious turns.

In every step we wept and busted in bliss.

I glare gladly at life through your eyes Emma.
