Your character looks into the two-way mirror and says, “I know you’re watching me.”

What happens next?

Casting a Shadow

Staring into the two way mirror, Pippa can see Ink Spill, tied and powerless with advanced tech to suppress her abilities.

She doesn’t struggle against the binds. Instead, her body is loose and relaxed. Like this was a normal Tuesday for her. That only serves to boil Pippa’s blood even more.

“I know you’re watching me, Beacon,” Ink Spill states, looking in Pippa’s direction. Even though, she knows that the villain cannot see her, her stare unsettles her. Those cold, black eyes. The ones that pierced her soul as she killed Pippa’s best friend.

“Pippa Folly, what would your friend say? You know, if she were here,” Ink Spill teases. Using her full civilian name is just to try to get a rise out of her. Pippa knows that, yet it doesnt stop her emotions bubbling at the surface.

Pippa clenches her fist, indents pressed into her skin by her nails. Pressing the intercom, she speaks to Salen’s killer for the first time. “Patricia Dissack, I’ve been waiting for this.”

If she wanted to use names, two could play that game.

“Using my name doesn’t bother me, hero. That’s the only way you could’ve kidnapped me. Who told you?“ Ink Spill tilts her head as if she were thinking. “Flood?”

Even though it was said as a question, Pippa is pretty sure that she knew the answer already. Going to Flood did end up being useful. Gave her a name. Once you have a name, it took one Google search to find an alarming amount about her.

“Got it in one. She actually set me up this place.” She almost gestures to their environment but remembers that Ink Spill can’t see her.

Time to fix that.

Leaving her position, she exits the room and enters jnto the next door.

“Nice crib. Cozy,” Ink Spill comments, eyes scanning the decrepit space, not even giving Pippa a second glance. Pippa wonders what Ink Spill did to Flood for her to help a superhero.

Pippa can still hear what Flood asked after she handed over Ink Spill’s information and this building. “You make her pay. You hear me, Beacon?”

But while it puzzles her, intrigues her, it isn’t the time. She’s not here for answers.

She intends to follow through with Flood’s request.

“So Patricia, it is a pleasure to see the great Ink Spill like this. A caged, helpless animal,” she taunts, echoing the villain’s own words when the roles were reversed. It doesn’t have the effect that she hoped it would. Nothing appears to rattle her.

Instead, Ink Spill smirks. Confident, like she knows what’s coming next.

But she knows nothing about her.

If Salen were here, she would make some grand speech that would convince her to stop. She’s not here though. She’s dead and never coming back.

Her death is like a constant buzz in her ear. Always there, reminding her of her failure. A devil whispering malevolent things that she’s starting to believe.

“What are you going to do? Arrest me?” Pausing, she thinks before continuing, “No, that can’t be it. You wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of kidnapping me and bringing me here. Is this revenge? For your little dead friend?”

Just hearing her make light of Salen’s death causes Pippa to create a light dagger before she even realizes what’s she’s doing. Lunging forward, she holds it to Ink Spill’s neck. “Say that again. I dare you.”

The shining knife feels strange in her grasp. As Beacon, she normally makes light shields and shoots beams and blasts. Never something actually sees as a weapon. It didn’t fit her image.

“Ooh. So I’m right. This is about her.”

“Shut up!”

“Unless you’re going to permanently shut me up, I don’t think I will. See, I know your kind. So self righteous with a martryr complex. Can’t help but do the right thing. While you contemplate getting revenge, both angels on your shoulders, because you heroes don’t have a devil, will convince you to do the right thing and turn me in.”

“You think you know me? Maybe you knew Beacon before you murdered her best friend in front of her. But you don’t know me now.”

Ink Spill’s must see something that she hadn’t before because she gives a sly smile. She lets out a haunting laugh. “Oh, I guess we’re more alike than you realized.”

Without another word, Pippa utilizes her dagger like it was intended, slicing into flesh in one swift motion. If she was not in this furious state, she would have been worried on how automatic she did that.

With the weapon being made of pure light, burns formed all around the wound. Angry droplets drip down, making a necklace of red.

Her eyes narrow in a deathly stare at the villain, no sympathy or regret in her gaze. “There. I shut you up.”

Tearing her attention away from Ink Spill, she felt a cold wave wash over her. Her powers deal with light so it is often that she feels warm. But now it is as if a shadow covered the sun.

Looking down, instead of the gold, bright dagger, it is pitch black.

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