The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once so magical now hurt to behold.

Write a rhyming poem that ends with this line.


I’m precarious, I’m out of the human body now, in the sixes and sevens, not sure of why I came out, do you think it’s worth the roaming around, the wandering around. Life’s absurd I don’t think I’ll ever find the meaning, just maybe someday it’ll reveal itself to me. It’s high time I returned back to my body, a great light struck my sight I guess it’s the end of my quest, perhaps it’s what I’ve been searching for in centuries. I’ve never seen something as animated as this, immediately a dark path opens it paved way for me, I said to myself so light speaks. The frequency of his voice almost disabled my ears, he said to me “walk straight till the end of this dark path for you’ll see that which your soul’s being questing for” i adhered to his instruction. I walked through the path the great light has paved for me, behold I got to the end of the path I was standing before the mighty ocean. I dived in🌊, all I could hear after that was you should return to your body now. You’ve come to the end of your journey, you’re only confined in your mind. Don’t let anyone or anything subterfuge you. If you go farther you’d be lost forever. Life’s not confined you can achieve anything in it. These were his last words, immediately everywhere was filled with darkness. I returned back to my human body.

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