Sober headed
Too many nights of ambivalence
Stricken by my scars
Lifting heavy bells
To ease my scars
Will I ever live or continue in agony?
For how long
Will I continue to paint dark pictures
For how long will i continue to
Tint lucid resplendent moments
For myself that will never exist
Or will I just continue to foster my ambiguities
Till I become a victim of the
Inescapable fate of a...
Dear Old friend ,
From the depth of my heart I’ll say this, my gratitude for you will be for infinity, for all that you’ve taught me, I solidly believe in myself now more than I have ever been.
Memories of you can’t fade away in a stone throw, regardless of how transient the Context of the universe might seem.
You expunged the inner skepticism i built upon my soul, You pulverized the if’s ...
A better space, you’ll never find , a space to call my shell , a space to call home, dark images from dead fates, wandering around with me.
a tribe known for dark deeds since the origin of time, a hollow space waiting to be found, I owe myself the truth all the time for the grief I’d never let go.
my heart been darker than these contrary to light energies amidst the universe.
Tryna outweigh th...
Bubbling in melancholy, a force therein blasts shades of optimism, a heart tied to past
predecessors, uncovering the mystery behind dead generation of red souls, searching for the meaning of her universe, archaic thorns on successive crowns,
multi faces in the world after, revealing the truth about her universe, however our hearts, darkened by
paintings from her past , making it less apparen...
We’re born in pain, yet all we crave is the most ephemeral of all things, ( Happiness)
Isn’t it inhumane of us, how we’re born in pain, our mothers go through pain to succeed us, yet we try to dodge the slightest of pain that crosses our path as humans. Without considering the amount of pain we inflated on our mothers during birth.
We speak negatively of pain, yet in pain we were established....
Oh ye dead metaphors:,
Now is the time we need you the most, There’s no meaning to this life, your absence has made the world miserable and unbearable for us to live, life’s meaningless. I hope someday you reincarnate to your best form, your soul’s being tranquil for centuries now, You were the spark of Creation, since you left, the world’s been dark and far from light....
A wild soul, in the middle of chaos yet tranquil.
A heart torn into pieces could be amended, however
would lose shape, A mental blade turned a blood
flowing heart into pieces of paper. Pieces of broken
metals on motion under the hurricane, masks and
scarecrows , all this happened in a red dark
circumference, clouded with rough sounds from red
souls. Pain and hella sorrows, a tribe known for d...
Prior to now I’ve always thought, experiencing or going through the dark side of life denotes the universe is against you, inadvertently to me that a time will come in life when I’ll realize that it’s an inevitable phase and a fleeting one at that. according to the apocryphal mystery book life was borne out of darkness, hence whenever a human’s going through the dark phase of life you and I shoul...
I’m precarious, I’m out of the human body now, in the sixes and sevens, not sure of why I came out, do you think it’s worth the roaming around, the wandering around. Life’s absurd I don’t think I’ll ever find the meaning, just maybe someday it’ll reveal itself to me. It’s high time I returned back to my body, a great light struck my sight I guess it’s the end of my quest, perhaps it’s what I’ve be...
The Universe is filled with unlimited possibilities
Go on a quest for yours, (search deep)
They are seeds, these seeds exits for real, once you find them plant ‘em, water em consistently, make sure you protect em from herbivores, let it grow. And when it’s due time for harvest, harvest ‘em, plant more , keep planting, make sure you never stop planting, there lies your infinite supply of possibi...