
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.


“James! What do you mean you’re gay?” A stuffed animal went flying across the room, hitting the wall with a thud. I hope it doesn’t leave a mark. 

“Since when were you homophobic?” More throwing. I hear the swish of something landing in front of me. I pick up Mr. Bunny who was at my feet. 

“Since when were you dating Mylo? James?” I turn to the voice. Spencer. Is he going to start shouting like Will? Behind him was Lexi, silently watching. Arms crossed. The only girl in our group. 

Why is this happening now? When I was just getting into the routine of keeping it a secret. Why did my friends have to find out? 

Why is my stuff getting thrown around? 

_When_ did my stuff start getting thrown around? 

I try to tune out the shouting, the items flying around, the eyes. It’s hard. My room feels like it’s spinning, the baby blue walls collapsing the more I stay still. I feel my voice growing smaller. I hold on to Mr. Bunny. Tight. 

“Hey James, you okay?” Spencer’s right next to me, his hand on my shoulder. My eyes make out his worried face and now I feel bad. I didn’t mean to trouble him. I didn’t think my emotions were being shown on my face. 

I didn’t think Will was going to be this mad. 

“Stop shouting!” Lexi finally speaks up. She lets her arms fall to her side and the room falls silent. Lexi has a beautiful way with words when she’s pissed off. 

“You’re not letting them explain,” her voice is now measured but her eyes are darting around the room. Between me and Mylo. She’s trying to piece it all together. 

It’s Will's turn to cross his arms. “Aren’t you upset that they hid this from us.” It’s true, we have hidden our relationship for a year now but that’s because of how homophonic all our families are. One mess up and me and Mylo would have to live in the streets. No one wants that.

He knows that.

So why is he acting like this? 

“It’s pretty obvious why they hid it, _William_, it’s because you would react like this. You’re being a pretty shitty best friend to James right now,” she snaps. She looks more calm but the tone in her voice says otherwise. Lexi is sharp, I wonder what she pieced together. 

Eyes are on me now. Will opens his mouth but nothing comes out. They're waiting for me to say something. Anything. I open my mouth but the words I want to say dissolve and my mind grows blank. 

“Stop looking at me,” is what comes out of my mouth. Two. Four. Six. Eight eyes are on me. Way to many for my liking. My eyes move to stare at Mr. Bunny who’s in my hand. 

“Why? Are you not going to say anything? James!? Were you never going to tell me? How long have you been going out with him? Why Mylo of all people? I thought you two didn’t get along that well,” Will’s now rambling. He does that when he’s anxious.

Will isn’t that homophobic, but he tends to avoid those types of people. People like me. 

“Why aren’t you cussing me out?” I mumble. He hears it. They all do. His face morphs into confusion and his forehead wrinkles. Now everyone except him has disappeared from my sight. 

He usually has a foul mouth, not that I mind. 

“James why would-“ Mylo's voice starts. 

“You want me to cuss you out?” Will’s now waking up at me, interrupting Andre. Right up in my face. He doesn’t call me names but him being like this is a punch to the gut. I stare right at him. I’m not afraid. Nope. 

“You basically are William,” I say. He’s taller than me by a few inches. Will’s face is not pleased with the situation. 

He has no right to look sad. 

He takes a step back, maintaining eye contact, never breaking away. We stare at each other as if we’re talking with just our eyes. I usually know what he’s thinking but this time I have no idea. 

He’s in the same situation. He’s trying to read me. It’s what he does. I let my face fall neutral. 

We look at each other for what feels like years but probably just a few seconds. The clock on my wall is the only thing that makes a sound. 

Thank God that my parents went out of town for the weekend or they would have overheard everything and then I would really be screwed. 

From the corner of my eye the first person I see is Lexi watching us carefully. Spencer too, but he looks more confused than sacred. 

Lastly, Mylo. His fingers are wrapped around his perfectly shaped arm. He’s nervous too. He wanted to tell the others over time, but they found out way too soon.

Will lets out a sigh. Defeated. His legs give out and he sits on the messy floor. 


Fine? Has he come to a conclusion with everything? 

“Fine? What's _fine_ William?” Mylo’s voice comes from next to me. 

When did he move? 

My legs feel like they're going to give out. 

“Sorry I yelled,” he’s now embarrassed but he’s not letting it show. “ You should have prepared me that my Wide Receiver and best friend were dating,” he’s looking at me with an apologetic smile. 

“How would I have known that you would go through his phone?” Mylo retorts back. At that moment my legs stop working and go numb. I fall on my bottom, my hands breaking my fall. 

I’m exhausted. I let my head drop and release a breath I didn’t know I was holding. 

Will said fine. He’s fine with me and Mylo dating. He might need time to adjust, they all would, but at least I don’t have to hide it anymore. 

Who would have thought that one picture could cause so much commotion with my close friends.

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