Write a poem about something meaningful you were once told.

This could be a life lesson, a compliment, or a passing comment that stuck with you. Whatever it was, explore it in a poem.

Everything And Nothing

Everything happens for a reason Utter shit A glimpse of happiness, ripped out of me Viciously Time moved at a fast crawl There one moment and gone the next Her eyes that never got to open and see my face. Her tiny mouth that never made a sound. Legs that didn’t stretch or run. Arms that never begged to be picked up Sometimes in the silence I can hear her heart beating. Only an echo. What reason? What reason brings death and misery? Dashing hopes makes us yearn again? There is no reason. There will never be a reason. I strain for reason every day. Every hour. Every minute, every second even. She’s still gone. My arms are heavy with the emptiness. My once blooming belly softer…flatter. I don’t want a reason. None are enough. She was the reason. Now she is nothing. She is the foggy memory of dreams. She is everything. I am nothing. Everything happens. Reason matters not. Just keep breathing. In Out In Out Maybe some day it will make sense. But it won’t have happened for a reason.
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