The Reading

The phone rings, and it’s the last person you’d expect….

“Hello,” Jenna said while looking at her framed picture of Mickey Mouse on her desk.

“Hello, this is Samson Disney. Is this Jenna?” said Samson.

“Who….?” asked Jenna pausing.

“Samson Disney from Walt Disney Company. You know Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck,” said Samson.

“Is this a prank? How did you get my number?” asked Jenna.

“No prank. I heard you talk in the cafeteria at work. I work part time for the same factory as you in the marketing department. I got your number from Human Resources.” said Sam.

Jenna hung up and called the Human Resources department at Jyzco. The phone rang, “Hello, may I speak with Sandra,” said Jenna while walking back and forth.

“Hi Jenna, what can I help you with?” said Sandra twisting her hair.

“Does Samuel Disney work here part time in the marketing department?” said Jenna with spirit.

“Sam works on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Why?” asked Sandra with a smile.

“He called me and claimed he worked here and heard me talking in the cafeteria. He called me about something for the Disney Company,” said Jenna as she tapped her pen. “You gave him my phone number?”

“I did. It’s a great opportunity for you. He told me all about it and since we are friends outside the business I didn’t think you’d mind,” said Sandra.

“Well…….I’ll listen if you say so. I thought it was a prank call.” said Jenna then she hung up.

Jenna’s phone rang. “ Hello,” Jenna said.

“Oh good….really this isn’t a prank call. I have a great opportunity for you,” said Sam.

“That’s what Sandra said and she and I are friends,” said Jenna. “What can I help you with?”

“Have you ever dreamed of doing a cartoon voice?” said Sam.

“Well….. I’ve thought about it, but I haven’t researched how to pursue it.” said Jenna. “I know my voice is unique.”

“We’re making a film about a coyote and some gophers and wondered if you’d read for one of the gopher voices,” said Sam.

“What’s the plot?” asked Jenna “and what is the gopher’s character like?”

“The plot includes a gopher and her two children who enjoy family life and they help out a coyote that gets a sharp pine needle in his paw. You’d be reading the gopher child character named Jenessa who loves others and is positive about everything,” said Sam.

“Sounds interesting! May I read a copy of the script before I make my final decision?” said Jenna.

“Meet me at Walt Disney Boulevard at 7 p.m. ,” said Sam.

The rest of the work day Jenna continued to focus on work with a tinge of extra happiness in each step and a bright smile on her face.

Jenna drove to Walt Disney Boulevard after supper to make sure she knew where to drive so she wouldn’t be late at seven. She went to a nearby book store to read.

At 6:45 p.m., she arrived at Walt Disney Boulevard. Jenna waited a few minutes and then Sam drove in. Sam knocked on Jenna’s window to interrupt her reading and they walked into the building.

The foyer spanned eight feet high and ten feet across. Sam passed them through two sets of double doors then into a studio room. In the studio room, Sam pulled a chair out from a table for Jenna and he sat behind a desk.

“Here’s the script,” Sam said.

Jenna read carefully through the script silently and her smile grew broader as she read then she dropped a few tears and ended with a smile.

“Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Disney. I’d be happy to read the gopher character’s lines.”

“Please call me Sam. Come back on Saturday and we’ll do a run through with the other voices,” said Sam.

Jenna returned on Saturday and saw big name actors and actresses limousines drive in the drive. She read her part with some well known stars which made her nervous, but she read her character’s lines like a pro.

“We have a contract for you that outlines your benefits and salary,” said Sam.

Jenna said,” Thank you and there’s opportunities for other characters in the future. This is a dream come true!”

“Glad to have you aboard!” said Sam Disney as he gave her a picture of Mickey Mouse autographed by Walt Disney.

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