Submitted by Mel Davies
Write a fictional story or poem that revolves around the question: are we truly unique, or are we mosaics of every person we’ve ever known?
Delicately crafted to be unique, in perfect order from our heads to our feet.
the shape of our eyes, the slight tip of one’s nose, hearts best in sink as constant blood flows, in rythm, not missing a beat.
Different shades of brown, blue or green, eyes that remind us of the ocean or bright green leaves on a tree, brown as dark as a puddle or the trunk of a tree.
Each individual thing fits together, a perfect mosaic, are we really alone or are we all just the same? A mashed together pattern of all our past and mistakes and the future generations decisions they made.
Our views all blast out causing rift or confusion, emotional responses programmed deep inside our souls,reactions that we may not understand ourselves raised to believe what we have always known to be facts.
Our personalities, morals, beliefs or routine, can be influenced by such a big number of things, we can learn we can grow, figure out our own trail of thoughts, which leads me to wonder how many issues we hold are ours to possess, did our ancestors have the answers, do they really know best?
Individual from our head to our toes, each person completely their own, humans all as one made up from our looks our mind and what we have done.