So Close But Too Far
Wandering in this abyss
Wondering if there’s more to life than just this
It’s cold but I’m used to it
At first I was trying to find love and
But now I’m looking for anything
Anything to fill this hole
It’s been forever sense I’ve felt whole
It’s been forever sense I’ve had a soul
It’s been forever sense I haven’t felt cold
I hate being alone
It’s been forever since I haven’t been alone
The most
So I’ve been told
But I think I’m doing pretty good alone
The ice is burning my feet
On the surface
But I’m in too deep
A cabin I see in the distance
Same cabin I’ve been in before
But something’s different
It’s warm
And doesn’t set off a alarm
In my head
It lifts all the weight off my chest
But takes down all my defenses
No no no no
I’m too high to fall
I refuse to fall
My shoes are stuck on the cracking ice
But I manage to lift my feet up
I refuse to die
Atleast not without a fight
Cabin just in sight
I managed to move
And even run
The warmness of the cabin gives me strength
Only about 30 feet away in length
And in a flash
I’m underneath the ice
It pulls me in deeper
Trying to swim up
But I’m just going deeper
Meter by meter
I keep going deeper
So close to salvation
But too far as well
Stuck in a 21 foot well
But outside is my destination
The irony
So close
But too far
They were right there
But I was too far for them to save me
If I only I was a little close they would’ve heard me fall in
All of this could’ve been avoided
If I just never fallen
From heaven to hell
A breathe my last breathe
Think my last thoughts
Before I drown
I look up and see someone peer over me
I could see them but
They couldn’t see me
I was too deep
They couldn’t see me
They walk away and there goes my last chance to live
If only I kept trying to swim
But I’m too deep in
So close
But too far