The lead actor and actress for a show do not get along. Their newest production has led to them being cast as love interests.

Continue the story of how this pair manages acting together.

Lovers Opposite Don’t Attract

Cory smith is the most famous actor in this time and is pared with Alissa collins the directors thought they would be the most loved tv couple the unstoppable love duo but yet they were wrong Alyssa and Corey did not get all whatsoever the absolutely despised when either one scene in the movie was when they were supposed to kiss the most romantic scene in the movie. The kiss not a kiss the kiss course I’d be all fine he’s done 1 million times, but Alyssa on the other hand, she spies with every fiber of her being she cannot kiss and ugly but like him she demanded a rewrite on the script. The directors told him no you don’t have to deal with it it’s called acting darling. She was furious, but her manager said the same thing deal with it.

People say opposites attract but for Alyssa, their theory was totally and absolutely wrong. He was completely opposite than her and she hated it. She wanted everything to be her way I said might say a brat now. Cory didn’t mind much of her and was mostly just particularly afraid of her so she told him not to touch her John look at her directly in the eye, and jumped kiss me, and those were the exact instructions from the Director to touch her waist. Pull her in close look her in the eye, and kiss her who is the red tie between each side like his arms, he values being stretched out like canvas, and he didn’t know what to do. Alyssa was terrifying, but the Director was the person gave him the job. so he did as director sad after the scene Alyssa was an English. She slapped him across the face and quit during the movie.

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