Emma rushed in to this old pizza shop one minuet late after her shift her manager started yelling at her he pulled the apron of her and slammed it on the ground “you’re fired get out.” He pointed at the door she slumped down and left how could she get fired she was a minuet late she wondered and would wonder if she would ever know the awnser
Brandon was a young boy he was thirteen years old he stood with his father and enjoyed watching the sunset with him his father worked at the IIS the international investigation of superheros one day the sups feared that his father knew to much so one day the attacked their home they burned everything every picture every memorie every joy Brandon ever felt he survived but his father was destroyed just as the sups had planned he became resentful against supers and decided to become a villain his name was no longer Brandon but now dark matter because his life was dark now and everything that had once matters in his life all the fe longs have been turned to ash just like the house
“Servants bring me more fine perfumes!” Demanded the spoiled girl she wore a big red dress and had golden locks as hair l o the servants rushed over to her damand and brought her many fine things she wanted more and more the more she got untill one day that all changed she heard terrible news from her father one day he came in and told her that they would have no more money because of overspending. I would be forced to move to a small town and work as a farmer she felt the despair crawling, as all she ever knew was being spoiled with rich things now she had to work in the farm. She packed all of her things up and now it really mattered her, perfumes her shoes, her dresses and find jewelry she thought if she had all these things, then someone would fall in love with her and she wouldn’t have to work in the barn, so she had no more carriages to take her where she went instead a mule dragon a cart.” what is this wretched thing you don’t expect me to ride in that?” Said the spoiled girl in disgust” darling, we don’t have any money anymore this is all we can afford.” set the father gently in the feed, she loaded her things into the cart and pouted in the corner. She was upset that she had to be stuck in this dirty, old, rotten card. Nobody waited on her hand and foot now she was on her own as she stepped out of the cart, she looked up and could smell the register stench of the animal poop, barely any availabilities for showers for the commenters. She was disgusted, utterly disgusted. How could anyone live like this she thought she kept walking and settling her to squelching squish sound. What could this be? She was too afraid to even look but the smell lingered in her nose. pee. You that is disgusting. She took off her shoes and threw sadly. I hit a bystander in the head from the weight of the heel fell down. She didn’t bother to look she kept on walking. Her nose was stuck up in the air. Her face looks like she smelled something revolting which she probably did. all the sudden, a boy, her age walked up to her and said” hello Miss, are you lost?” The boy had shaggy hair that looked like it hadn’t been washed in days. His face was covered in dirt, but his blue eyes shine through it. He wore brown pants and a white shirt he didn’t have much and what he did have was dirty and old raged.” how dare you? I am not lost figure information” she huffed and walked on. She was upset by the way he asked her that.” how could he have the odd Cassidy to say that to me?” she turned her father, but he said nothing. He was afraid that his daughter might never change and be stuck the way she is as the days went on, she was forced to sell her fine jewelry, perfumes, and dresses and change them for comfortable shoes, a regular old T-shirt and some pants. She hated the way she looked in them. She no longer saw beauty but saw ugliness. She put all her self-worth in these items that she never found her true words that was her inside beauty she decided she wasn’t gonna sit around and mope about her life anymore. She decided she was going to do something about it so one day she began to start cleaning up the house doing Job she learned how to sew and made dresses granted they were as glorious as her old one. She gave them to little girls who couldn’t be able to get dresses and feel pretty. She dedicated her life to making people other people feel pretty even when they felt no more self self-worth, she focus on everybody else’s happiness. Her father is so proud, but she was so focused on everyone else. She never realize that she could have happiness for yourself. She never once had time to like A boy never once was able to take a break until one day the same boy all those years ago who asked her are you lost fell in love with her she had no clue she was distracted with other other things in her life they became friends she only saw him as a friend although as the feeling of love, Crampton, she realize she did like him, and he was in love with her so one day as they were taking your evening stroll in the forest he got down on one knee I asked her to marry him it what is the most beautiful ring she’s ever seen not because it was a giant diamond because she knew it had come from the heart because he worked so hard to be able to afford this. she now learned that she didn’t need all these things for her self-worth, but she just needs to learn the fundamentals that is behind treat others the way you wanna be treated and work hard.
Alex karina and max are walking areound the dessert it had been miles withought food or water the were in desperate need of an oasis.max was a little bit over dramatic but this time he was ent overreacting he fell to the ground and started eating the sand,he could have thought it was food or water or anything for that matter. “oh my gosh Alex are you ok” worried karina Alex and karina ran over to help him “hey why are we even here?” Asked Alex Karina shrugged and rushed back to help max Alex and max were brothers so Alex assumed he was being over dramatic but still helped him.They couldn’t remember how they got there or even the reason why they were just there and they needed desperate help as max began to get up he touched karinas arm for help with stability but the whimpered in pain he let go of her arm and realizes that her arm was bleeding “oh Karina I’m sorry did i hurt you?” Max said apologetically the walked and walked until they found the holy grail a water faucet and a bucket beside it they ran of to the water and drank from the fountain they were so happy that they were able to drink water they felt somewhat revived the began there journey on to be able to go home.but then all of the sudden a rumble came from the ground the sand drifted into a ginormous hole erupted from it was a skull made out a sand as it was sucking the sand it was pulling them too “give me the girl and you will return home.” Bargained the sand skull she looked at them and agreed but max was so eager for a burger he began to push her in “what are you doing are you cycle something Max? She’s our friend we can’t just throw her in there.” Said Alex max was horrified for how he acted and jumped into the sand hole they screamed after him but now, how much depleted he still jumped “ it’s not the girl, but it will do.” set the sand monster, as you said that he was pleased, and returned to the ground after the sand monster has been subdued they are flashback to their home, and were able to be out of that terrifying and dreadful dessert The next day they mourn over there, following Friend fallen brother
“It was meant to be for you I only ever wanted it to be for you my beutiful mother told me as I layed in bed we had just got in an argument about the boy I went on a date the other night he was rude and didn’t care but of course my mom only wanted me to be with him because he had money and that could help us sure he was handsome but he had no love in his heart my mother always talks about how she dowse these things for me but this time it wasn’t
Cory smith is the most famous actor in this time and is pared with Alissa collins the directors thought they would be the most loved tv couple the unstoppable love duo but yet they were wrong Alyssa and Corey did not get all whatsoever the absolutely despised when either one scene in the movie was when they were supposed to kiss the most romantic scene in the movie. The kiss not a kiss the kiss course I’d be all fine he’s done 1 million times, but Alyssa on the other hand, she spies with every fiber of her being she cannot kiss and ugly but like him she demanded a rewrite on the script. The directors told him no you don’t have to deal with it it’s called acting darling. She was furious, but her manager said the same thing deal with it. People say opposites attract but for Alyssa, their theory was totally and absolutely wrong. He was completely opposite than her and she hated it. She wanted everything to be her way I said might say a brat now. Cory didn’t mind much of her and was mostly just particularly afraid of her so she told him not to touch her John look at her directly in the eye, and jumped kiss me, and those were the exact instructions from the Director to touch her waist. Pull her in close look her in the eye, and kiss her who is the red tie between each side like his arms, he values being stretched out like canvas, and he didn’t know what to do. Alyssa was terrifying, but the Director was the person gave him the job. so he did as director sad after the scene Alyssa was an English. She slapped him across the face and quit during the movie.