Trick Of Time

Time, both equal and constant.

Yet, it never feels quite so.

Cherished memories,

of those held near,

and so dear,

often feel recent;

Despite the years that have come

and those which have gone.

Unpleasant ones alike,

have a tendency to overstay their welcome.

Complexity bubbles,

if such an outlier signature of time

finds itself deep within limbo of perceptions,

blurring the lines of cherished and unpleasant.

These most cherished of moments,

polluted by time and tragedy.

Regardless of efforts,

no matter how far may reach,

that same moment that once showered you in bliss,

will be forever tainted;

original memory ceasing to exist,

leaving behind merely broken shards,

daggers to the heart,

bleeding it,

for all




Just to

fill it

right back

up with venom.

A most painful realization,

is knowing that time has no bounds,

it follows no rules,

has no master.

At any given second,

time will snatch every trace,

no matter how


beautiful, or good,

that it has ever bothered to create;

leaving you alone, cloaked beneath an eternal shadow of suffering.

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