Time, both equal and constant. Yet, it never feels quite so. Cherished memories, of those held near, and so dear, often feel recent; Despite the years that have come and those which have gone. Unpleasant ones alike, have a tendency to overstay their welcome. Complexity bubbles, if such an outlier signature of time finds itself deep within limbo of perceptions, blurring the lines of cherished and unpleasant. These most cherished of moments, polluted by time and tragedy. Regardless of efforts, no matter how far may reach, that same moment that once showered you in bliss, will be forever tainted; original memory ceasing to exist, leaving behind merely broken shards, daggers to the heart, bleeding it, for all that it’s worth. Just to fill it right back up with venom. A most painful realization, is knowing that time has no bounds, it follows no rules, has no master. At any given second, time will snatch every trace, no matter how pure, beautiful, or good, that it has ever bothered to create; leaving you alone, cloaked beneath an eternal shadow of suffering.
I shout how they warned us Always, they told us, not to play with matches Secrets divided us They told us. Fire cannot be controlled Lies will keep us alive. Fire is is wilder than water, Why didn’t I listen? It’ll spread, they said Its only a spark, you said So mesmerizing Standing a little close, they whispered Only soon, each were loved That’s hot, we said Careful, don’t get burned Both were lost, What lovely flickering tongues But soon they loved. Cautious, we will be They say— What do they say? Without them saying, near silence claims their space around us It happens, what they always said Our fire It starts to spread Ash by ash, Were they right? Spark by spark, Should we have listened? Rock by rock, But then it stopped. They are the ones who should have listened, we think Our fire burned Longer It sizzled. Hotter Our fire was alive We no longer heard them say You, I, and Our Fire Then came Summer, roaring in, rays blazin’, Summer sucked our air dry But our fire thrived. We gaze into its orange heart On each inhale, Our flames climb higher. With each exhale, Our cores blaze hotter And hotter I’m hot, I groan So tired, you gripe The fire mocks us, As it dances with the sun, weaving between blazing waves of heat. The flames of which are now their own. We thought we were free from these emotions which control us. Uh, oh. Fire is much more wild than water. Burning hot. There’s no escaping, Sighs of pure exasperation. What used to be soft crackles, Oh, so slow. Now hissing demands, echoing from every direction. Tears of fire begin to flow. A fire that burns this hot; wants more, craves, more. needs more. They spew around us, in between, And, through us. Why didn’t we listen? The flames, they stop, finally They stop dancing so wildly. Before long, we doubt they’ll dance at all. Spitting & sputtering, Little sparks, kiss our bare flesh, Inflicting the last bits of pain, as a dying fire does. On the last of it’s victims, as they lay, Very much hoping, that they are too, are dying.
Once again, Spring is nearing. Two pair of lungs, continue to flutter Not often or deep, Sometimes hardly at all. Eyes that do the same, Always more mad, Seeing gray. more tired, Than the other. More sad, Hearing static. more numb, Than the rest. Feeling nothing. Who knew getting burned, would feel like nothing at all?
Spring showers dampen what remains among the ash, That which used to burn, fierce. wild and fierce, it burnt. Perhaps Too wild. Too fierce. That which was us; We burnt bright, Hot, Bright, and way too fast. Nothing like the surviving coals, now cooled. Did anyone really think it would last? Who would have thought, that they might have been right? No more sparks to ignite Only Ash, Two souls, And their charred hearts.
He looked around the coffee shop. Where was he? David wasn’t the type to be late, certainly not when meeting his old best friend. It had felt like years since Jack had seen his childhood friend. In reality, it had only been the day before but everything had been so frantic in their lives. Jack heard the ring from the door and looked up to see his best friend stumbling in.