Inspired by Jewelie Rain
Write a poem that transitions through two or more of the seven stages of grief: denial, bargaining, anger, depression, loss of self, reflection, and acceptance.
Seven Nights
You’re gone
but the night they called, it
couldn’t have been true
I sat by the door waiting for one hour
then two
then three then four then five
‘till I went up to bed and
knew that I’d just see
you in the morning
The second night without you I
faced the dark alone and
asked you to come back
I’d be better,
I promised
I’d pamper you and cherish you
and love you outside
as much as I did in
And I fell asleep with
the plea on my exhale
When you weren’t home the next
night I was
How could you
How could you leave me alone in
this cruel cruel world
You broke your
vow and I hated you for
it but I slept with my words pressing
on my tongue and guilt
balanced between my teeth
The night afterwards was
much the same
as the day
I couldn’t make it to bed,
couldn’t bear to be in our bed
so I stayed
on the couch
Tried to fill the emptiness in the
shape of you but the bottle
didn’t fit
The sun rose
and fell
and I saw half standing in the mirror
where I stood
Didn’t know myself, my skin
itching like someone else’s as my
soul caught fire next to
you, but the smoke wandered the
stars I saw
behind my eyelids
I thought about you that
following night and for a
time I could feel your smile,
my fingers running through your hair
You shone in my thoughts,
not a star but
my sun
As my breathing steadied my
hand rested on the cool sheets tangled with
the memory of you
Six nights I grieved
And the seventh was when I
You weren’t coming back
It wasn’t peace I felt but
acceptance as I scattered the ashes
of our life and retuned home,
alone because
you’re gone