Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.

The Hollow Rain

As i slowly wake up from my nap I realise I’m facing my bedroom window, and i can quickly see that its raining outside. I immediately get out of bed and rush down the hall to the front door. I twist the handle to make sure its locked “Good, locked.” I then rush to the back door. I turn the handal, “locked as well.” I then walk over to my mums bedroom. I don’t enter her room anymore as i keep it more like a shrine. As i stare at the door i try and close my eyes and imagine that she is in there studying or sleeping but i can’t, i can’t imagine that when i know she’s gone. As i walk to the kitchen window i see it, the creature, the thing that took my mother. The creature has a human appearance, but it’s far from human. It has a sort of plague doctor mask on its head, covering its face and it always holds an umbrella. The stories say that it carry’s an umbrella because it only comes out in the rain, that’s why every time it rains people refer to it as, The Hollow Rain. As i watch it slowly walk down the street, i can’t help but notice its movements, so smooth almost like its levitating. Just as i think it’s going to continue it stops, right outside my house. My heart beat start’s to grow faster and i begin to hyperventilate. “It’s never done this before” i say to myself. The creature slowly turns its head toward my window, the rest of its body stays facing forward. The creature is now starting directly at me, i could see it’s hollow eye pockets as if something should be in there. I guess this is why it’s called the hollow rain, i think to myself. It then turns its body and begins walking toward me. I start backing away from the window, i feel myself getting faint, its soulless eyes staring me down with every step it takes. BANG! Lighting flashes right outside which temporarily blinds me, as my vision is restored the creature is gone. “Did it leave?” I say to myself. I then start walking back to my room but then a slight breeze brushes against my skin “huh?” I had no idea where this breeze was coming from. I then follow it towards the laundry and notice the open window above the washing machine. “Shit i forgot to lock the window!” I immediately run to the window and force it down with such force the bang of it closing makes my ears sting. I then run to my phone to call my dad but I notice that the wire has been cut. “Shit, Shit, Shit!” I then run back to my room and hide under the covers, it’s gonna be okay i think to myself. Maybe my phone line has always been cut and I haven’t notice. Before I can continue my thoughts i hear rustling from my mums bedroom. I slowly walk towards the door as if its calling me to it. I gently try open the door but it’s so stiff from not being opened i have to apply force. When it opens i see her, my mum. She was just standing there staring at me. Even though she had eyes they didn’t seem full, as if something was missing. She then opens her arms and begins to walk towards me. Every inch of me wants to turn and run but instead i walk towards her. We slowly pull each other into a hug. I then hear her calm breath turn intro a loud gurgling. When i look back at her its that thing! It was smiling, even though I couldn’t see its face I could just tell, i don’t know how. I try to pull myself away but its nails have stabbed into me and have curled under my skin holding me still. It’s head then deforms, unfolding into rows and rows of teeth. I realise there is nothing i can do, its over. I get to see my mum, i get to see my family.
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