"If they would just let me back in the house then we wouldn't have this problem!"
Write a story which includes this line of speech.
Hidden Friendship
(Yes it’s a ROTTMNT story :) I haven’t done one in a while. Anywho this features Leo and my main oc, Dawn, the ferret mutant. They’re not dating yet in this one but they will be soon.)
Leo stared up at the beautiful blue two-story house. Around it were blooming flowers of white and pink, and the ocean crashing in the background topped of the scene. He squinted at the window he believed to be Dawn’s, his best friend.
Carefully, he readied himself to climb the wall, when he spotted it; a thin rope coming from the top of the window. It was wiry and brown, the end attached to the top of the window ceil. He grab on to it, and slowly pulled himself up to the window, peering in before opening the hatch.
Clumsily he slid in, stumbling onto the floor and grinning up at Dawn. The dim light illuminated her soft brown features, and the purple mask tied on her face complimented her violet eyes. “Hey~” he said, brushing himself off, his face slightly flushed.
“Why did you just climb through my window…? Can’t you use the door?” Dawn sighed, glancing up at him. Leo grinned cheekily, plopping next to the ferret and stretching out on her bed. “Listen, if your parents would just let me back in the house we wouldn’t have this problem.” He replied in a slightly teasing tone.
Dawn shrugged, her tail slightly hitting the red-eared slider’s shoulder. “I mean, I can’t blame them. Last time you came here you let a wild boar loose in the house through one of your portals.” Leo rolled his eyes, leaning back against her soft and glossy pillows. “Mhm. Anyways I—-“
The ferret mutant suddenly stopped him, putting a finger to his lips. She had a feeling about what he was gonna say. “—What do you need today, Leo?” She asked. This was usual of him, they were best friends, but he also always needed something. “Oh nothing~! I just wanted to spend a day with my best friend~!” Leo smirked, batting his lashes innocently.
Dawn rolled her eyes, her chocolate colored tail flicking behind her impatiently. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I know you want something.” She said, her usual sweet tone hardening. Sometimes she wished he would come over just to say hi.
“Honestly!” Leo said, holding up his hands to feign innocence. “I know you always get annoyed with all of my favors I ask. Between fighting monsters, organizing my comic collection, that one time when I asked to borrow your dog….” Leo trailed off, before looking sheepishly up at her. “Please forgive me? I just want to spend time with you.” He whispered, batting his lashes.
Dawn sighed, running a hand over her face, and reluctantly agreed. “Fine. But we’re watching a movie, okay?” She said, standing and grabbing the remote. She tossed it to Leo, who caught it swiftly, before heading to the door. “Imma grab a few blankets and cocoa, alright? You can pick the movie.”
Leo nodded eagerly, already swiping through the movies that popped up on the screen. Dawn tiptoed to the living room first, grabbing a few soft, plush blankets. Then she bustled off to the kitchen to make two steaming cups of hot cocoa.
After finishing making the delicious drink and dropping a few marshmallows in, she quietly snuck back to her room. Closing the door and handing the blankets and hot chocolate to Leo, she tiredly flopped down next to him. He made an attempt to wrap an arm around her, but she laughed, pushing him away slightly.
“Ah, ah, ah, not so fast. We’re just friends.” She chuckled, glancing up at him.
He smirked, playing with her tail. “Oh come on~! You know you love me~” he purred teasingly, the dim light in the room making his scales shine.
“Do I?” She asked, cracking a smile as she drew a concerned look from Leo. “Yes, yes I do.”
What did y’all think? Any tips? I really love silly little Dawn ❤️
And did y’all catch the ZooTopia quote at the end? 🤭
Anyways I’ll be posting more Dawn and other TMNT oc stuff soon >:D