Inspired by Kendall Ripleys
A creature that has lived in a dark cave for its whole life experiences light for the first time.
Write a heavily descriptive piece about this experience.
Deep within
The creature lies wake
We can hear it breathe
To our disarray
We hang from apartments
Cold and still
But out to the footnote
Here watching us
Is everything we lost
I’m the eyes of the devil
We’ll reach the next level
If god is watching us
This lets him know we’re lost
In this cave
On our knees
Begging please
To the glowing red eyes
Peering in
It seems we might win
Hero’s never die
And to our delight
The artuistic parasite proceeds to the light
Cleansing everything in its path it pushes forward
Somebody cries
In the back
Showing what we lack
It’s never a misters why she dies
Hell on earth has swallowed us today
You said
You should probably save yourself
My heart is breaking
Legs are shaking
Heart is shattered
Save yourself