Just Let Me

Just let me slide

Syrupy sweet as fruit wine

Drunk in the woods behind schoolyards

Flying high on

Adderoll bumble buzz in my brain

Zipping, dipping from bud to bud

Sleeping peaceful in

Green Cush meadows

Soft as smoke puffs

Let me wake

Electric nicotine morning jolts

Bolt me to the bedroom floor

Fill my holes

with Zoloft to make it through the day

Trazodone to take me into the night

Prozac to help me talk

Quetiapine to stop me hearing

Tramadol is no match for the pain but doctors won’t prescribe oxys

And someone else’s muscle relaxers to forget what

I can’t remember the punch

Only the bruise

Shake me and listen to that rattle

Like a maraca

From a long over party

Ups and downs

Whack me and listen to that rattle

Like a piñata

From a long ago party

I’ll split and spill

On the therapist couch

Just let me feel good

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