Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.

Into The Unkown

It had been there since my childhood. Everytime I visited my grandparents, I could barely keep myself from going that misty path, that my I was always restricted from going down on. I don‘t remember how often I bugged my grandparents to tell me everything about that little trail, that seemed to lead into the unknown.

Once, when I was ten i snuck out of the old house and tip-toed down the stony staircase that had cracks running through it. My grandma always complained that grandpa should remove them and put stairs made of wood in their stead. My steps were soundless as padded through the wet grass. I didn‘t understand how there could be mist wavering around the path. The sun could be shining, it could be pouring or even snowing, but the mist was always there. It clung to the place like the scent of pinewood clung to my grandparent’s house. The little ten year old me was so happy to finally resolve the mistery that kept me awake at night, but I was grabbed by my arm and roughly pulled back, before I could even set a foot on the path. The scolding I got that night was something I would never forget.

Now, almost seven years later, the curiosity never left. I was sitting by the window, staring through the mist, that was hanging over the path. Grandma and Grandpa had just gone to help their neighbors, and y parents were out for dinner. The perfect opportunity. I put my blue hoodie on, to shield myself from the chilly autumn breeze. After slipping into my boots, I went outside and down the stony stairs that were never replaced. I was a little nervous and paranoid. The memory of being caught was still present, yet I was set on finally finding out where that path led to.

It was, as if the mist was calling out to me, almost reproachful that I didn’t come here sooner. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through me, as I stepped onto the narrow path. The temperature fell rapidly, as if I was in a completely different world. _Finally._ I was now fully emerged in the mist, the air growing thick. I didn‘t even notice that it was getting harder to breathe, as my feet moved on their own and trotted down the tapered way. Gravity itself was pulling me towards an unknown destination, my mind was starting to become foggy, my lungs seemingly filling up with tar. I was gasping for air like a fish on land. _Go further. _I never stopped walking, even though it was a miracle that I was still able to stay upright. The nosebleed I suddenly had went unnoticed on my numb face. _Just further. _

The misty path seemed to be never-ending. It just went on and on and on. I didn‘t know where I would end up, once I reached the end of the path. Well, _if I would reach an end._ I could feel my vision getting blurry and it was getting harder to place one foot after another. I didn’t even realize when I dropped to the ground. Pebbles dug into my skin, as I laid there, gasping for air. A pair of boots was the last thing that came into my view, before I passed out.

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