Masquerade Ball

“Darling do you have any plans for Halloween?” Draya asks me as we lay beside each other

“Not really why?” I ask momentarily distracted from tracing patterns up and down Draya’s arm

“Well the coven is sort of having a Halloween party…well it’s actually more like a masquerade ball and I was hoping you would accompany me.”

“Would I be the only human there?”

“No, there will be other consorts and some Thralls although Thralls aren’t very good company; all they care about is their vampire masters or mistresses and therefore it is all they will talk about, if they choose to talk at all but the other consorts are usually friendly.”

“Sounds fun so yeah I would be honored to accompany you.”

“Okay, you will need a gown and mask. I will take you shopping for it in a few days.”

“Can’t I just wear my homecoming dress?”

“I suppose you could but I would prefer getting you a different one considering I sort of have the mask picked out already.” she said taking out her phone and showing me a picture of a red lace mask that would go over my eyes with red and black feathers on the right side. “It reminds me of the mythological bird the Phoenix.” Draya said

“What will you be wearing?”

“Now Darling that would ruin the surprise.”

Three days later Draya took me to Nordstrom Rack and after trying on more than a dozen different dresses Draya and I found the perfect one. A floor length red sparkly V back dress along with a red sparkly cape. After purchasing the dress we stopped by spirit Halloween and bought a red and black feather boa. Draya had already ordered the mask and it had arrived yesterday.

On Halloween night I was dressed in the dress with the cape feather boa and mask at Draya’s house waiting in the living room. When she finally came down from her room I thought she was absolutely breathtaking. She was wearing a dark blue short sleeve dress with matching cape; the top of the dress was decorated with blue beads and sequins in many spiral patterns and the cape attached to the dress from the bottom of the sleeves.

A gold and black mask panted to look like scales obscured most of the top half of Draya’s face, two dangerous looking horns protruded from each side of the top of the mask, it was obvious that she most likely was supposed to be a dragon.

“Wow” I breathed out.

There were only a handful of times that Draya left me speechless where ‘wow’ was the only word I found myself able to utter, this was one of them.

“Thank you.” she replied with a smile before taking my arm and leading me out to the car and we make the long drive out to the country where David owned a private property with 5 acres of land.

We pulled up the long gravel driveway to the front of the house where humans in red jackets stood for valet parking.

One of them (a young man with dark hair) came around the car opening Draya’s door for her and she steps out of the car.

“Better take good care of her, she’s a classic.” Draya said to the man before handing the keys over then she came around the car and opened the door for me, taking my hand and helping me out of the car.

We walked in to the house hand in hand and I swear I had never seen so many vampires in one place; but then again up until a few months ago I didn’t know vampires actually existed.

Some vampires were in formal gowns and suits with face masks like Draya and my self while others were in regular Halloween costumes.

We were not in the house long before two vampires approached us. They were both dark skinned with dark brown eyes, one of them wore his hair very short while the other one had his head shaved, the one with the short hair was about a foot taller than the other, they were both wearing tuxedos with navy blue face masks covering their eyes.

“Draya it has been too long!” said the taller one.

“Sam, Solomon, you both look well.”

“As do you, and I am assuming that this lovely little morsel next to you is your consort?”

“Indeed she is, Sarah this is Sam…” she says gesturing to the taller vampire “…and his mate Solomon.” she says and gestures to the other vampire.

“Pleasure to meet you Foster sister.” Sam said extending his hand to me palm up. I tentatively place my hand in his. “The pleasure is mine.” I said as he gently kissed the top of my hand.

“Foster sister.” Solomon said with a bow I smiled and curtsied to him.

“There’s no need to be so formal you can both just call me Sarah.”

“As you wish.” said Solomon.

“Well we won’t keep you from the festivities any longer, however it is good to see you Draya and to meet your consort.” Sam said as he and Solomon walked away.

“Seems that word of my relationship status has traveled through the coven, better brace yourself darling, I imagine there will be many more tonight who will want to meet you.”

And she was right, we were approached next by a pair of female vampires one of Asian descent with long black hair her name was Hong the other was originally from Canada and had long blonde hair Camille was her name. They were dressed as the Disney version of Snow White and Cinderella.

Next was a male vampire with long dark hair and equally dark eyes a human Thrall on each arm both young blondes with blue eyes. I didn’t catch his name but I knew from Draya’s body language and tone of voice that she did not like this vampire but we exchanged pleasantries as necessary.

Draya led me through the house heading towards the back door of the house to the back yard where I could hear music emanating from.

As we exited the house the first thing I saw was a big bonfire in the center of the large yard burning high sending yellow, orange and red flames and sparks into the sky, jack-o-lanterns were everywhere perched atop bales of hay and some were even hanging from the few trees in the yard, there were also long tables off to the side laden with human food. There were many vampires dancing and exchanging pleasant conversation. I was feeling daunted by the thought of having to meet more people but my spirits lifted when I saw two people I recognized coming towards us.

David and Celeste.

David was dressed as the phantom of the opera and Celeste as Christine.

“Draya, Sarah, so glad you could make it!”David greets us enthusiastically.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” I said.

“Are you enjoying the party?” Asked David.

“Mostly, although I think Sarah is a bit uncomfortable with all the attention she’s been receiving.” Draya answered.

“I apologize I didn’t contain my enthusiasm very well and I may have told a few people.” David replied.

“And so naturally the entire coven knows.” Celeste teased.

“I am just glad to see some familiar faces. I am not exactly used to so much attention; in fact I usually try to avoid attention.”

“Again I apologize, but please try to enjoy the rest of the party.” David said.

“I will try.” I replied with a smile.

With that we parted ways.

“Come Darling why don’t we go over to the food table and get you something to eat. You simply must try the pumpkin pie punch; trust me it tastes better than it sounds.” Draya suggests as we make our way over to the table. Draya ladles me a cup of the orangish colored beverage with a dollop of whipped cream and hands it to me. I take a gulp and am surprised at how good it actually tastes. While we stood by the food table two identical looking girls aproched us; they were Dressed like Elsa and Anna from Disney’s Frozen.

“Draya love how nice to see you!”

“Serenity, Harmony, it’s been ages since I’ve seen the both of you how have you been?”

“Oh sister and I were happy we were able to make it this year we recently just came out of hiding, some Hunters we’re on our trail but we managed to give them the slip.” said the one dressed as Elsa.

“With any luck they will think we perished when our last residents caught fire under some mysterious circumstances.” said the one dressed as Anna.

“Is this your consort?” asked the one dressed like Elsa.

“Yes. Sarah meet the twins Serenity…” Draya gestured to the one dressed as Elsa “…and her sister Harmony” Draya said gesturing to the one dressed as Anna.

“Well aren’t you just the bell of the ball, isn’t she just picture perfect sister?” Said Harmony

“I must agree with you Harmony she is just as pretty as a picture.” said Serenity.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” I say.

“Oh and so polite with a pretty voice too!” gushed Harmony.

“You better hang onto this one Draya she is absolutely splendid.” said Serenity.

I took notice how they never once addressed me directly; more admired me like they might a pure breed dog. I didn’t like it but kept my opinions to myself for the moment.

Draya flashed a polite smile before saying “Thank you, I plan to.”

“Well we won’t take up any more of your time enjoy the party, come along sister.”

As they walked away I resisted the urge to scowl. “Thay didn’t adress me directly once they gushed over me like a prize winning show dog.”

“Don’t take it personally they do that with most consorts and they don’t acknowledge Thralls at all it’s just how they are and they mean no offense.” Draya explained

“I still didn’t like it.” I said.

Draya was about to respond when a female voice spoke.

“Well, well, well, long time no see my lovely Draya.”

Standing before us was a girl who stood about 5”6’ in full costume she had on a maroon suit with a fuchsia button up and a bow tie that was untied and behind her attached to the pants was a black cats tail she had black stick on claws and protruding from either side of her head were fake fuzzy cat ears. She was wearing a black M shaped headpiece and had flaming red hair, her eyes were a mismatched, one blue the other yellow with slits for pupils like a cat’s eyes. I knew that she had to be wearing contacts because the blue and yellow covered the entire eye even the white part.

“Hello Ruby, what exactly are you supposed to be?” Draya asked

“My lovely Draya you really should keep up with the times and trends; Netflix did a reboot of the 80s cartoon series She-ra, I am the character Catra, well a sexier redhead version of her anyway, wearing the outfit from the episode ‘princess prom’ it’s the best one in my opinion.”

“And where’s your Thrall?”

Ruby sighed and calls out “Oh Tessa my sweet.”

A girl about three inches shorter than Ruby saunters over to Ruby’s side she has skin the color of white chocolate but with rose colored undertones and blue eyes, blond hair that was tied back in a ponytail with a red lily flower hair comb and a flowing red halter sleeveless chiffon dress with a gold waist belt and on her feet were gold wrap sandals

“And who may I ask is this little treat standing beside you?”

“This is my consort; Sarah.”

“Consort? Is that so? Well; I never thought I would see the day when my Draya would finally choose a human consort.”

“First Ruby, I am not yours and secondly, yes she is my consort and by coven law that makes her your foster sister, you should treat her with respect.”

“Please, I owe her nothing and you my not be mine now but I know you remember when I used to scream your name beneath you and when you would scream mine while beneath me in pure ecstasy and oh how I loved watching you writhe in pleasure. Does your little human know about that? Can she do for you what I did and if you allowed me could still do for you…do to you?”

“If I ever gave you any inkling that our relationship was more than what it was to me then I apologize for that but you were an attractive distraction Ruby nothing more.”

“Are you honestly telling me that you prefer that scrawny little mortal than me?”

“You’re coming dangerously close to crossing a line Ruby; don’t push it.”

“I don’t care! You were mine once and you will be again it’s only a matter of time!”

Draya shook her head “Sorry to disappoint you Ruby but you and I are in the past and I think it best we leave it there.” she said turning away from her and then saying “Darling it’s a bit chilly out I think we should head back inside for a bit.”

I nod in agreement wanting to get away from Ruby. I didn’t like the way she made me feel and how she talked about me like I wasn’t there or like I was so beneath her that it didn’t matter if I heard her or not she would have said it either way.

Draya and I sat down on one of the many couches in the house. Draya leans back with a heavy sigh but says nothing. I was about to ask what was on her mind when I was interrupted by a male voice.

“Mind if we join you?” asked a tall male vampire with hair so blonde it was almost white and bright blue eyes. By his side was a human with fair skin but with a russet undertone and a spotting of freckles across her nose and cheeks, brown eyes and hair so dark brown it was nearly black fell in soft gentle curls down her back.

They were dressed as Westley and Buttercup from 'The Princess Bride'.

“Caleb, Melissa. of course you can.” Draya said moving over to make some room and I did the same.

“It’s been quite awhile since we’ve seen you Draya, you didn’t even come last year.” said Caleb as he and Melissa sat down.

“I wasn’t really in a party mood last year but this year I am doing much better.”

“But you still seem a bit troubled?” Asked Melissa her tone gentle and kind.

“I recently had a run in with Ruby.”

“That little trollop, she’s always trying to stir up trouble.” Caleb commented.

“Ain’t that the truth.” Draya said with a sigh.

“What did she say?” Asked Melissa.

“She brought up our past relationship and implied that my consort Sarah was inferior.”

“Oh that’s right we heard that you have a new consort I am assuming this is the young lady in question?” Caleb inquired, gesturing to me.

“Yes, this is Sarah, Sarah this is Caleb and his consort Melissa.” Draya says introducing me.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Melissa said.

“Yes the way David talks about you, you would think that you were his consort and not Draya’s.” Caleb said.

“He is just happy and excited for Draya.” Melissa said.

“What has David said about me?” I asked.

“That you’re really pretty, although I don’t think pretty even begins to be an accurate description, and he says that you might come off as shy at first but once you open up you are kind and friendly.” Melissa says.

“And then he just kept going on about how much happier Draya seems since you came into her life.”

“I am glad he thinks so highly of me.”

“He’s not the only one princess.” Draya says looking at me with adoration.

I can’t help but to smile at her.

“Well I am famished. Draya you wouldn’t happen to know where I could get my hands on a blood bag would you?”

“I would, actually I could use a bag myself.” Draya said standing up.

“I’m sure you two can find something to talk about while we’re gone.”

“Of course.” said Melissa.

And with that being said Draya and Caleb walked away.

“So, tell me Sarah how did you and Draya meet?”

“It was at a teen club that my friends took me to for my sweet 16 birthday. I guess you could say we bumped into each other…actually, she accidentally knocked me over on the dance floor and later came to see if I was okay and even bought me a drink and we talked and ended up kissing.”

“Guess you two must have really hit it off.”

“Not exactly…after I left with my friends that night we tried to track her down with no luck. I didn’t see her again for a whole month, although little did I know she had been sneaking into my room every night and would watch me sleep.”

“Okay I’m sorry but can you say creepy?”

“I know right…but then she said it wasn’t so much watching me as watching over me.”

“Still a bit creepy if you ask me.”

“Maybe, but I thought of it like having my own personal garden angel and that made it seem sweet.”

“I guess that is kind of sweet but I personally wouldn’t like it, I mean it’s just the idea of a stranger sneaking into my room and watching me while I slept…that’s just a bit too creepy for me to forgive and forget but it all worked out for you I guess.”

“I see you’re point of view but you’re right it all worked out in the end.”

‘But it almost didn’t .’ my little voice of inner doubt chimed in.

‘Shut Up!’ I thought.

“So how did you meet Caleb?”

“Oh I worked nights at a 24 hour diner earning money for college. I was studying to be a RN. He was a regular, always sat at the same table and ordered the same thing. Coffee black and two biscuits with gravy. One night he asked me to join him and as it was a slow night I did, we got to talking and the rest is history.”

“That sounds so romantic, like something out of a movie. So are you still in college?”

“No I’m actually an ER nurse.”

“That must be a hectic job.”

“It can be but I find it rewarding. I know that you’re still only in high school but what do you think you would like to do?”

“Oh I don’t know my mom is a surgeon, my dad is a small business owner and sometimes I feel like I should live up to that and be a scientist or researcher or something but I don’t really feel like that is what I want. I’m not even entirely sure what I want to be but something that allows me to travel and see the world. I don’t want to be stuck behind a desk all day.”

“I hear you, if I had to pick one part of my job I don’t like it would be the paperwork.”

I see Caleb returning and making his way towards us. “Well now that I am sated what do you say to getting you some sustenance my dear?” He said to Melissa extending his hand to her she takes it and stands then he turns to me “Draya should be out in a minute.” he informs me.

“It was nice meeting you and getting to know you a little.” Melissa says.

“Yes it was nice getting to know you too.” I reply before they leave making their way out side then I see someone I was hoping I wouldn’t encounter again for the rest of the night.

Ruby was making her way over to me with Tessa by her side.

“Tessa my sweet be a good girl and fetch us some refreshments would you?”

“Anything in particular you would like?”

“Surprise me.”

As Tessa left Ruby turns to me “I would like to apologize for earlier I got a little carried away and forgot my manners.” her tone and smile were so obviously forced but I decided to for now play nice but not let my guard down.

“It’s fine.” I said.

“I suppose I just never really got over our break up and honestly who can blame me?You’ll see what I mean sooner or later.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If I know my Draya it’s only a matter of time, she never stays with a human for long, 6 maybe 7 months tops, if you’re lucky then she’ll drop you like she has all the others, so sweetheart you better enjoy this while it lasts.”

“Maybe you don’t know Draya as well as you think you do.” I say smugly thinking ‘been there done that’

“Confidence, I like that. Maybe once you are no longer hers I will take you for myself make you my Thrall. I think Tessa would like a companion.”

Even though I knew that Draya would never in a million years let that happen it didn’t stop the nervous and frightened flip flops that my stomach was doing and I was sincerely hoping that Draya would return soon.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of shouting.


Ruby and I both turned our attention to the sorce of the shouting just in time to see a male Vampire backhand Tessa hard enough to send the poor girl tumbling to the floor.

Just the loud snapping sound of the skin on skin contact made me physically flinch.

I was instantly on my feet and making my over to the girl.

Ruby had gotten there first but she was not checking on the wellbeing of Tessa no she had instead tackled the male vampire and was pummeling him into oblivion. “YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! YOU WILL NEVER TOUCH MY THRALL AGAIN!” Ruby punctuated each of her words with a blow to what ever part of the vampire she could reach.

I was now on the ground next to Tessa.

She was laying very still in the fetal position and was clutching her cheek where she had been struck a small trickle of blood was escaping from beneath her fingers. I suspect that the vampire that hit her was probably wearing a ring that most likely cut Tessa when he struck her.

Although it was hard to tell with Ruby beating him to a pulp I think I recognized him as the unpleasant vampire with the young blonde Thralls that I had met with Draya earlier that night. The Thralls in question were looking on screaming and crying obviously upset that their vampire is being harmed but also obviously to frightened of incurring Ruby’s wrath to intervene. It didn’t take much longer before David and Celeste were there along with three other Vampire’s I didn’t know. It took all five of them to pull Ruby off the male vampire but she was struggling hard to free herself and resume her attack.

I see Draya making her way through the crowd towards us. She comes to kneel next to me “What happened?”

“A male vampire hit Tessa so Ruby attacked him.”

Draya got up and went to stand in front of Ruby “Ruby you must calm down.”

“Kasimir attacked my Thrall!”

“I understand but you have made your point. It’s Tessa who needs you now you need to go to her.”

Those words seem to have an effect on Ruby and she was soon kneeling beside Tessa coaxing the whimpering and trembling girl into her arms and began to attempt calming her.

Then David spoke “Kasimir is what Ruby said true? Did you attack her thrall?”

“I wouldn’t call it attack more like disciplined.”

It was seconds after that was said that Ruby had convinced Tessa to take her hand away from her cheek and when she saw the small gash there I knew instantly that Ruby was seeing red. She practically launched her self at Kasimir and had to be held back a second time. “Let me go! I’m going to kill him! I’ll rip his head from his shoulders my self!” she seethed while struggling to get her hands on Kasimir.

Draya was once again trying to calm Ruby down but it didn’t seem to be working this time.

“Sarah, take Tessa upstairs second door on the right is a bathroom and there should be a first aid kit under the sink.” I nodded. I was pretty sure Draya was trying to get us out of the room incase things got really ugly and seeing how enraged Ruby was it seemed like there was a very real possibility that things could in fact get ugly.

I look at Tessa who was still kneeling on the ground next to me her eyes were practically glued to Ruby. They were wide with worry and fear.

“Tessa come with me up stairs so we can take care of that cut you got.”

Tessa looked at me when I said her name but then looked right back at Ruby.

“Ruby will be okay, Draya will take care of her but right now I think you should come with me so you can be taken care of too.”

Tessa nodded and stood up with me but her eyes stayed focused on Ruby for as long as it was possible for her to do so.

I close the door behind us once we enter the bathroom and turn to face Tessa, she looks so lost and alone. I don’t know if it’s because she’s not with Ruby right now or if she really is just that upset and frightened, either way I knew that I would have to take a gentle approach in this situation.

“Okay, so first things first. I think we should clean the dried blood off first before we do anything else.” I say walking Tessa over to the bathroom counter and open the cupboard under the sink. I instantly find the first aid kit and get out a few clean washcloths too. I wet one down with warm water and soap and gently wipe the dried blood off Tessa’s face “There that’s better, now we’ll take care of that cut.” Tessa looked at me but didn’t speak.

The cut wasn’t very deep and less than a quarter of an inch long. I wasn’t sure if I found Ruby getting so upset over such a small cut reassuring because it was nice that she was so protective over Tessa…it showed she cared or terrifying because if she reacted like she was over a tiny cut how would she react if it were something bigger and more severe?

I get a few alcohol wipes and a Band-Aid out. I rip open the small paper packaging the wipe was in a take it out.

“Tessa I am going to clean your cut now, it is going to sting but I will be as gentle as possible, and if you hold still it will be over quickly.” Tessa nodded showing she understood but still didn’t speak.

When the alcohol wipe made contact with her cut she flinched away and hissed in pain but otherwise held completely still.

After cleaning the wound I placed the Band-Aid on pressing the sides down to be sure it was secure.

“There all done, in a few days you’ll be good as new. How about we go sit in the hall for a little bit and try to calm down from all the excitement that went on?”

Tessa nods.

We sit in the hall with our backs against the wall.

“Ruby is good to me.” Tessa said abruptly out of the blue.

“What?” I asked turning to her.

“Ruby is good to me. She takes care of me. She can be scary sometimes but she has never hurt me.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“You should know that Ruby is good…Ruby is the greatest.”

I just nod at her because I honestly didn’t think that Ruby was the greatest but I wasn’t going to tell Tessa that, however I believed that she has never hurt her but that doesn’t mean she was good. She was mean and rude and honestly I couldn’t believe that my Draya ever associated with someone like that.

I glance towards the stairs and see Draya coming up along side Ruby.

I tap Tessa on the shoulder “Hey look who it is.” I say pointing at Draya and Ruby who are now standing at the top of the stairs.

“RUBY!” Tessa exclaims running over to her practically throwing herself into the vampiress’s arms.

“Tessa, sweetheart, are you alright?” Ruby asked the concern in her voice genuine.

“Are you?” Tessa said answering Ruby with a question of her own.

“I am perfect sweetie.”

“Then I am perfect too.”

“Let’s go home I think you have had enough excitement for one night…”

She turns to Draya “Good night Draya and happy Halloween.”

“Happy Halloween.” Draya replied.

Then Ruby turned to me “I expect I will be seeing you again…eventually?”

The tone she used made it sound like a challenge.

“Count on it.” I said stern and confident.

She smiled at me “Happy Halloween Sarah.”

“Happy Halloween Ruby hope you have a spooky night.”

She laughed before descending the stairs out of sight.

Draya comes to stand beside me “How about we go home too? We can cuddle and watch anything you want on Netflix.”

As Draya drove I didn’t say much. I watched the scenery fly past my vision in a blur.

“You’re being awfully quiet…what are you thinking?”

“How could you have had a relationship with someone like Ruby?” I barely even thought the words before I spoke them but now that they were out I realized how much what Ruby said really bothered me, how much I needed an answer to that question.

“My relationship with Ruby… it wasn’t a relationship it was just sex honestly. Every time we were together it always ended with sex sometimes it began with sex too. If I am really being honest after awhile I felt like our relationship, if you could even call it that was more of a fuck buddy relationship than a romantic one and the only reason it lasted as long as it did was I wanted the distraction but after awhile that was no longer enough.”

“How did you even get involved with her? She doesn’t seem like the type of person you would normally associate with?”

“25 years ago at a celebration to welcome a new member to our coven. I attended out of respect alone. I stood in a dark corner of the room and attempted to simply fade into the background but Ruby had other ideas and I was in her sights. She came over and started shamelessly flirting with me and when that didn’t work she started cracking dirty jokes and got me laughing and I ended up spending the whole night with her. I was lonely for someone, anyone who could even temporarily fill the void Shaylyn had left or at least to make me foeget for a little while so I wouldn’t have to hurt Ruby did that for me. At first it was enough but as time went on I wanted more and Ruby didn’t but we stayed together for the company and distraction we provided each other until that wasn’t enough anymore. When I finally ended it I wasn’t even sad I had stopped caring at that point.”

“I don’t like Ruby but I don’t think she’s all bad either.”

“She’s not all bad.”

“Tessa says she is good and that she treats her good.”

“Tessa said that to you?”

“Yeah why?”

“Now that’s interesting, because Tessa doesn’t tend to speak to anyone but Ruby. That’s not unusual for a thrall truth be told so the fact she spoke to you even briefly speaks volumes…there is just something about you.”

“I noticed at the party you and Ruby still have some sort of connection or something.”

“I just have a knack for calming her down. Ruby hast a fiery temper and a short fuse, she’s also fiercely protective of Tessa as you saw tonight, speaking of you are going to be expected to appear before the high coven the next time they meet.”


“To decide Kasimir’s punishment. Hurting another vampire’s Thrall goes against rules that David put in place it is still a law it just doesn’t apply to all covens just like how different states have their own laws The high coven needs to oversee it kind of like a trial and sometimes in trials they need witnesses that’s where you come in.”

“So I just have to tell them what I heard and saw?”


“What will his punishment be?”

“David wants to take away his Thralls and shunn him for two weeks and be barred from Thralling any more humans but in all honesty David has been looking for an excuse to remove Kasimir’s Thralls from him for some time. It’s no secret that Kasimir is unusually cruel and sadistic, mistreating and abusing his thralls. I sincerely hope that the high coven agrees in all honesty it’s better than what he deserves.”

“I agree, I got bad vibes from him from the moment I met him tonight and I could tell you didn’t like him either.”

“I know David would like to have him exiled from the coven or at least shunned permanently but they would never approve that…too extreme they would say.”

“Even though he probably tortures those poor girls he has Thralled?”

“I know I don’t like it either but the best we can do is get them away from him as soon as possible and make sure he never does that to them or others like them ever again, but unfortunately that is all we can do.”

“We should have let Ruby kill him.”

“That would mean exile for her and they would take Tessa away from her leaving her with nothing and that may seem harsh but those laws are in place so we do not destroy ourselves.”

“I didn’t know that,I take back what I said, it’s good we stopped her.”

“She will still be punished too, she attacked and threatened Kasimir and that is unacceptable even if she was justified in her actions and even if he did deserve it she needs to face consequences.”

“What will happen to her?”

“Shunned but only for a week; she may not have the coven during that time but she will have Tessa and as far as Ruby cares that is enough.”

“Can we talk about something else now?”

“Sure, what would you like to talk about”

“Well, I was thinking that since I am staying over at your house tomorrow night we could watch a few episodes of She-ra. Ruby’s and Tessa’s costumes got me curious.”

“You are staying the night at my house tonight too so we could watch it tonight.”

“Nope we won’t have time.”

“We won’t?”

“Nope we won’t, because I think it’s time you told me more of your tragic love story you’ve left me hanging long enough.”

“You mean Shaylyn’s story don’t you?

“And yours but yeah I need to know what happened after that love confession and you are going to tell me.” I tried to use the tone of my voice to convey that this was not up for debate.

“What ever you wish my Princess.”


Read a continuation of Shaylyn’s and Draya’s story in To Love A Hunter Part 2 coming up next!

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