“Out of Order”

Write a poem about something that is out of order - you could take a literal approach, or try to work in a metaphorical theme.


Doctor says I’m out of order. Couldn’t pinpoint my disorder. Voices in my head, I told her. She said,” €•]%#+*,” and put her notes into my newborn folder. My friends used to say that I’m out of order. I told ‘em all - I couldn’t agree more. They told me,”|>’œp;,” I watched their words like paintings on the sinking floor. Wife said she agrees with Doctor. I broke her heart and put her out of order. I told her,” ≈_>|£\•]+#^~€]>!” She smacked me in the face and told me to get older. She walked away, tears on her face. She turned around and whispered,” </3 •%+]=|>_•.” The padded walls keep saying that I’m out of order. I say I don’t believe them, But it only seems it’s getting colder. The voices in my head, they just keep getting louder. I can hear them, now that it’s the Devil’s hour. They’re screaming, “‘#+=]¥_>^~+{••!” •[*|*~£][==_£~{¥[•|••_ ={=[^^|€£~¥\¥_£€|€!!?,{^\* •_•_€~£*{*[£¥_€~^}{*]¥• }*{+[€~€£\, …}^[+•|€|£. You know what I mean? Well, I guess it’s time I finally follow orders.
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