Heavy rain, cracked windows, and a forgotten song.

Use these descriptors as inspiration for a poem.

did you think of me?

It was raining when the fire started

Kind of ironic

The water

meant to put out the flames not being enough

You were inside the house

So was your






Did you realize?

When you stepped into the doorway after school today waving to me

Yelling that you would see me tomorrow

That you would break that promise?

That you were never going to leave that house?

Only the dog made it out

Barking wildly



I think he knew before anyone else

That you weren’t gonna make it

None of you were

I found out this morning

With everyone else.

I was confused at first

Big school assembly.

Was there a holiday I wasn’t aware of?

And I looked for you

I searched

Even after they told us the news

I looked

So _convinced_

it was all a lie

But it wasn’t.

Did you scream?

Try and crawl out a broken window?

Did you use the same hands you used to wave to me

to claw your way down the burning hall.

Did you think of me at all?

In your final moments.

I think about you every second of my living ones.

My heart sings along to your fear

It beats to your panic

It leaps at your agony

I don’t think i’ll ever make it past this

And maybe i don’t want to

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