The Unknown

They say the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.. and in the same breath they say that you need room for growth. You need room to flourish.

I can’t see the other side from here.

I am a stranger to this path and yet I am not a stranger at all. We have always been destined to be old friends.

I have watched many of my sisters tread this path and I have watched them plant their seeds.

But I want to grow so tall that I can see beyond the stars.

I don’t want a white picket fence, I don’t need a life that anyone else can see and I sure as hell don’t think I’m ready for what is at the end of this tunnel.

This botanical portal through which I must pass to make it there.. to my endless future and my perpetual possibilities.

I cannot see the end.

But wouldn’t it be a hell of a story to tell on the other side?

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