Paradise Of The Deep
«{_ I will take you to your desired place. Just say the word and it shall came to past _}» he said
« _Would you come with me ? _» I asked with an expectant and a passionate gaze
«{You have the consciousness that I’m always around you. Why would this be any different ? }»
« _You’re right, you’re always with me..~». I continued with a warm smile on my face _« Okay then»
I closed my eyes and I saw——
The first thing that countered my encounter was your flowing peaceful presence…
The enourmous field was divided in two.
The first field had a land full of healthy grass in abundance. There weren’t different shades of green, instead all the green were harmonious. The breeze wasn’t too overwhelming, it was the ideal oscillation. There was this magnetic yellowish-golden shine that looked unusual, it was the sun. But was that actually the sun ? It looked deceiving but in a good way. The sky had colours that doesn’t exist in real life… it was breathtaking, too breathtaking that I thought it was just a dream. But the sensation was way too intense to be ignored.
There was a certain pathway tinted with a mixture of lilacs and hyacinths that leadeth to the unknown. It was a lenghty path and only God knew what was at the end. Similar to a rainbow yet a further mystical side to it.
The other field was an analogy of the first but it was as though it was another dimension yet in the same compartment. The warm pure sand was hugging my feets and the seashell of different momentum were singing heavenly chants to God. In the midst of the horizon, the sea had a magnificent glow and I felt that if I were to step on it, I wouldn’t sink. Rather I would be able to amble on it.
A faraway melody was immersing my senses. It was sang by an angel, I couldn’t see the captivating being but I understood that it was one of them as the recitative was exceptionally solemn.
Now, a divinity walked towards me. I don’t know where he came from but I knew who he was. He was tall and had the shape of a man. He was shining in a dazzling white. This included his body and his face. His face was covered in a dark veil and each step he took caused the sand to change color. The aura around him transformed into an indescribable realm. It feels like it would be a sin for me to utter a thing from what I’ve seen. He carried so much Godliness and Holiness. Yes, I was sure of who it was.
« You’re here » I muttered
I fell on my knees as a sign of reverence and respect. I felt fear but it’s not the normal type of fear. It was one where you love someone so much and amazed at their almightiness that you can’t help but totally submit.
«{ Stand up }» he said
I stood up with my face sill faced down.
« { Why is your face down ? } » he asked in a calm tone
« How would I dare to look at you ? I’m not worthy» I stated in a lowly voice
«{ _I’ve put a veil on my face so you can live. Look up _}»
I looked up and before I could say anything, he continued:
« {Do you like this place ?}»
« _Yes…it’s truly pulchritudinous. Is it our secret place ? _» I exclaimed with excitement
«{ Yes, now eat this and go back. They need you }»
«What do you m——» I stopped mid-sentence
He handed me a piece of white bread with a seal on it and I ate it with no hesitation. It was honeyed but tasted slightly bitter afterward. How strange
Suddenly all became fuzzy and everything looked like a mosaic. I woke up in my bedroom with my mom calling upon my name.,
« _Was that a dream or—-reality _?»