Taste Of Silence

If silence has a taste, what would it taste like? A strange question to be sure…and yet would not the taste of silence vary based on oh so many variables?

Would an awkward silence stemming from a public display blunder taste similar to the comfortable silence of two lovers in an embrace? The silence of severe embarrassment would taste like a durian smells, and the the silence of the lovers would have a sweet…deeply sweet richness of the purest honey.

What about the silence of one getting scolded? Well that no doubt will have sub categories within, no? Think about it, you’re getting scolded and you’re angry - and as you hold in the anger you taste the spicy pangs of habanero! But when you know you are at fault, and full of sorrow - that silence is as salty as tears.

Grief…the silence of losing a loved one…for certain is bittersweet. The bitterness of realization that you will never see them again…and the sweetness of the memories of the departed. Bittersweet… the bitterness morphs into sweetness for a moment to only revert back with far stronger intensity. They’re never coming back.

The silence of post coital passions - when one’s mind is clear and a satisfied grin paints the lovers (one should hope,) that tastes like biting into a juicy peach that bursts upon your taste buds like a swirling wave.

Taste and silence…I do wonder if one day our perceptions would be so far enhanced to perceive them fittingly.

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