Barduk awoke to the roosters call. Another morning, another day at the mines. The kobold cursed his captors…his slavers. He cursed men. He cursed elves. He cursed dwarves. And he cursed his creator. Born only to be hunted and enslaved by creatures far stronger than his own.
His master, Pyetr, a dwarves son of a whore, soon barged in to the slave’s quarters, forcing Barduk and his kobold peers to their feet. The cruel dwarf did so with his usual demeanor - a mix of vulgarity and violence.
“Git up ye useless dogmen! Come on! Off to the mines, ye mutts!” He whipped them with a thin long spiked branch.
The dogmen scurried off to their feeding troths - to their hurried shit colored gruel that barely passed as edible even for a kobold’s palette.
Barduk, was niether the alpha nor a runt, but he had the respect of the other enslaved kobolds. He ate his slop in haste, askansly eyeing the dwarf. The hatred must have shown through Brazil’s eyes as the dwarf hit him with the branch.
“That’s enough for you,” Pyetr scowled, “time to mine!”
Paisley made sure her human, Dave, was asleep, before she snuck out of the window to the fire escape. She was excited and could feel each strand of fur stand on end. Paisley was going to meet up with the other pets from the building for their weekly gathering.
She gracefully leapt from step to step up to finally she was on the roof of Dave’s building.
I was quiet but was not blind, Did my best the truth to find… What I found was quite unkind; Evil craves your mind to bind.
Algorithms meant to lie, Dopamine hits that get you high… These elites think themselves sly While their system makes brains fry…
We all need to break this glass… Go outdoors and touch some grass, Smell the coffee, shake that ass, Leave the laziness en mass
To everyone else he looked like the strong silent type, but Gershon was much more than that. He was rough due to his upbringing, his military career, and also his work as a special operator for a mercenary unit. He’s seen atrocities, hell, he committed quite a few…to the point that his mind was cracked.
He was high functioning enough to socially pass as normal, if a bit creepy, but deep within, this retired career killer, was plagued with a ravenous yearning for bloodshed - a bloodlust that Gershon satisfied with by “taking care” of pedophiles.
Some of his victims were high profile ones, which earned him a spot on the FBIs top wanted. Gershon knew that the feds would be engaged to protect their child raping assets across so many industries, but he didn’t care. He saw pedofiles…or MAPs as their enablers in our hijacked government and media like to call them, as scum of the earth not worthy of the air we breathe.
And as such, Gershon continued his clandestine activities of murdering child rapists…to kill two birds with one stone…so to speak. He looked through his binoculars at his next mark…another high profile twat…a corrupt federal judge that has time and time again came to the rescue of his degenerate pedo peers.
The judge, Antoine Merchan, wasn’t home alone. His family, a twisted wife and daughter who shared Antoine’s sexual predictions for 10 year olds, were getting ready to sit down for dinner. Gershon smirked, this was going to be his best work of art yet. He had the evidence of the judge and his families crimes printed out for the feds to find. He was pressed on taunting the FBI.
And, if the evidence of the Merchan family’s crimes against children goes unpublished by the FBI press liaison…well…Gershon made arrangements for the release of said evidence via other means.
It was time.
“First time?” Liu asked his temporary roommate, “Try to relax. It won’t take too long. Well, so long as you don’t have anything to hide.”
“I…I don’t,” the young woman stuttered, “it’s just a little nerve racking getting a random scan like this.”
“You get used to it,” the man answered, “my name Liu, what’s your name?”
“Janna, nice to meet you,” she outstretched her hand, slowly feeling her comfort rising.
“Yeah, and you?”
“China originally,” Liu sighed, “but Eden transferred my family to Sydney Australia.”
“Wow,” Jana was in awe on having been selected for scanning with someone from across the world, “Australia must be beautiful!”
“You’re still too young to remember how the world was before the Eden treaty?” The older man chuckled, shaking his head, “True beauty…nevermind.”
“What about it?” She pressed on.
“Janna, it doesn’t matter any more,” he looked down, saddened by the new reality, “China had amazing architecture, ancient China did…the whole world did…remarkable diversity of culture…and now…I’d say Moscow and Sydney all look the same. Talk lifeless buildings…digital advertisements…”
“I wouldn’t know…I never traveled outside my home town,” she smiled in excitement, “I guess today was the first time I was ever away.
“See there’s nothing to fear from the scan.” His eyes swelled up with tears, “Thank Eden human nature has been contained by our AI overlords…”
He could feel his anger boiling. He missed the time before the Eden AI… A time when human beings could be free…a time before social credit scores and mandatory random nano machine scans. Before forced neural chip implantations… before all this cold technological advancements enslaved the entire planter.
He looked up at the young woman, and reminded him to calm down. If the scan recognizes his true emotions they will both be incarcerated and lobotomized. A sedated slave is an obedient slave…
The white empty room turned green.
“Scan complete. Eden thanks you for your participation. Stand by for relocation.”
The generated voice on the computer sounded gentle yet authoritative, like a stern mother.
“See, nothing to worry about Janna.”
“Thank you Liu!”
When the moonlight hits a flowing river in the evening…it paints the sky with a marvelous display of color. It’s a rainbow to be sure, as all manner of light refraction tends to to be, but this one is pure magic! The glow it paints across the night sky is soft and cool, yet it emits that warm and comforting glow of the moonlight. The colors are more disperse and bleed into each other seamlessly. And unlike the usual day time rainbow after a rainstorm, the night bow as some cultures call it, isn’t static. It has a subtle dance to it, vibrating to the mix of the moonlight’s frequencies resonating with the Earths own heartbeat. Ah were mere words enough to describe such magical sights! But alas, seeing a rainbow in the evening, is a once in a lifetime treat that not everyone is blessed with beholding…
We fear the boogyman, and things that go bump in the night. Scared of the unknown, of ghosts and demons… But the real threats to us are much closer to home… Inder the guise of diversity, our virtue signaling is leading us into a new world war.
Savages. Barbarians. Zealots of a religion that see it their spiritual duty to subjugate disbelievers and to kill those living a life they do not approve of.
And those monsters aren’t alone. We have accepted “migrants” from all sorts of primitive disgusting cultures and to what end? Here in the states cartel affiliated Latin American gangs are taking over whole apartment complexes from hapless citizens who’s government abandoned them. In the UK the police harass anyone critical of foreign grooming gangs, than actually going after the groomers and rapists. France and Sweden are mired in crime and rapes from this supposed cultural enrichment that we have foolishly accepted.
Monsters are very real. And they are among us.