Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
“ Sincerely ,unknown “
Dear Dairy, I am currently laying down on my bathroom floor with you in my lap as I write. Tears create streaks on my face and small bits fall onto you while I struggle to put my words together and try my best not to wet you more.
—- I think I’m stupid sometimes when I speak, soemtimes I come off as too aggressive and too harsh. When I try to come off as much more gentle, I come off as too gentle and not hostile enough. I wonder if everyone has this problem and just doesn’t talk about it,or am I just so oddly different that only I suffer with it. I’ve also thought about the matter that I am so oddly different more. You’d think that a kid like me could easily fit in with society, but I feel like a sheep in wolf’s clothing. I know I do not belong with the people I speak too, I do not understand the jokes they laugh at, their music type, their style, the way they handle emotions, and the way their minds work. No matter how much I try, how much I observe, I cannot even crack the surface of their minds that differ so much from mine.
Nevertheless, I’ve lost my strength to write for tonight.
Sincerely , unknown .