The Key

Someone told me that the house was hungry when I was little.

Little dead things lived up in the attic room and would know if I I tried to get inside.

In two years I had never thought about going into that house, until my dog pulled away from me when I was walking her. I thought she would come back if I was persistent enough, I was wrong, no matter how many times I called her name she wouldn’t come back.

When I come to the border between my neighborhood and the woods I stopped, the house was just beyond the trees, I froze.

Only when I heard my dog barking ahead of me did I snap out of trance.

“It’s only a house it’s not going to hurt you you’re a big girl now, Aubrey.”

I hadn’t noticed that I was whispering to myself until I heard a soft voice behind me.

“Did it call you or are you an early arrival?”

I just about jumped out of my skin and turned around

The thing I saw was my shadow stretching out on the ground behind me,

“Early arrival?”

The voice spoke again, only this time from in front of me. “So you’re early then?”

I thought I heard a small sigh and then after a pause. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Wait what are you talking about? I’m just trying to find my dog did she go inside that house or something?”

Now the voice was far ahead of me.

“Why don’t you come inside and see for yourself?”

I thought about it for a minute, I was going crazy, I had to be if I talking to invisible people.

But, my dog always had my back, so it was time to return the the favor.

“Okay, Miss Invisible, lead the way.”

Don’t call me that!” Just because I’m small doesn’t make me invisible!”

I thought I felt someone tugging on my ear and pulling me up to the house.

The house was made out of gray, rotting wood. The house had thin walls and was very cold.

Inside the smallest room someone was waiting for me, he had kind eyes and was holding my dog.

Hello, I see you’ve met my Pixie, don’t worry she can’t hurt you.”

He winked and as he did, a little pink fame sparked to life beside him.

“Aubrey? Meet Tinker Bell.”

“Tink, you’re already acquainted with Aubrey?”

The little pixie rolled her eyes. “Next time you handle the new kids, she called me small!”

“Aubrey?” I’m sorry I have to say this but you’re dead.”

I felt my legs going out from under me. “If She’s Tinker Bell.”

He nodded. I’m Peter.” He took my hand.

“Second star to the right, and straight on till morning.”

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