Abandon abusive advice

Blinding, bitter, bizarre

Callous crone, chaos can cease caution

Death does dance dearly during doom

Each emotional enemy endangers escape

For fabricated faces fake false feeling

Generosity grants greed growth

Habit hammers harsh hate

Ignore immoral increase

Jugment just joints jealousy

Keep kindness known

Listen, lose loneliness like love loses logic

Manage malice, mend mental mercy

Nervous, nevertheless, necessary noise

Observe offensive opponents, open optimism

Pause, pain paints panic perfectly

Quit quiet, question

Race rationality rather rapid rage

Sacrifice sadness, save saftey

Testify the terrible talk they tend to tell

Undo ugly unhappiness

Violent virtues

Wage war with weak withering worry

Xanthic xenon

Yet you yield

Zilch zeal

I have no idea if any of this makes sense<

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