Inspired by Creativity Lives Here

In a kingdom that forbids women most freedoms, a group of girls start an underground revolution.

Write a short story with this plot. It could be a singular scene from the wider story, or the whole plot in a condensed form.

The Secret Rising

Miranda sat quietly in her chair, silent, as the law mandated (no woman is to talk unless spoken to). Her brother engaged in a political debate, and she internally sighed with longing for the ability to express an opinion, especially one that meant something. But society was completely against women, with their only purpose was to marry, have children, and care for the house. When her family was done eating, the servants of the house came in and took care of the dishes. Miranda’s family was a rich one, as her father was the CEO of a powerful military science company. Miranda was dismissed to her room, so she delicately slipped into her room. She changed out of her frilly dress that her father and mother liked her to wear and found a much simpler dress that was a deep navy blue, had long sleeves, and went to her ankles. She looked at her mirror, smiling as she remember her father’s sister who had died and lived in this room before her. She ran her finger down the edge of the tall looking glass, and pressed her finger to a DNA scanner. It was soon followed by a gentle click. Miranda pulled the door open gazing into the dark staircase. She walked in and closed the mirror behind her. She descended down the stairs, a slight tap of her shoes on the stone floor. She saw the light of a torch on flat ground up ahead. She was so far beneath the house now, and she smiled at the thought that her family was as far away from her as ever (it was illegal for women to leave their homes without a man). She approached the gathering of girls, each of them with such a determined look in their eyes, each one with a burning inner fire, each one with a voice inside that demanded their silence be broken. She then looked to the leader of the rebellious girls, who had given up everything for the cause, her aunt. A girl twirling a knife in her fingers smiled upon seeing Miranda. Lily was not only Miranda’s best friend and a total badass, but she was also one of the most fiery girls and one of the most dedicated to the cause of all the girls. She was one of the few that was openly outspoken, rather than hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right time to launch the Revolution. The Secret Rebellion is what the group was called and they had been smuggling all sorts of weapons to the basement of Miranda’s house for a long time (there were tunnels that led everywhere). They were all preparing for a battle for their freedom and their rights, waiting for when they knew that they could win. Miranda’s aunt called for the group’s attention. She then called, “our wait has been worth it, but it is time to come out of the shadows! We are ready to rise up!”

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