
Now there are no letter grades

And I am not ok

How am I supposed to tell

If I am worth anything

When I brought home an A

My mom was happy

I got a reward from my teacher

And didn’t have to study so hard

I was worthwhile

And I was wanted

Now as an adult

I cannot bring home an A

on a report card

I can’t tell when someone else

Thinks that I hold value

I can barely breathe or think

Without a guide on how too

I am craving the validation

That a graded test could bring me

In a world of Instagram likes

And Facebook posts

How am I supposed to know

I know that I contain

Nothing special

In my day to day

And without the validation of that A

How can I know that I am worthy

Of love and kindness

So now I seek

The same feeling

Of a graded paper

While I sit and reminisce

Of when I had value

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