Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Hansel and Gretel
Write an alternative ending to one of these fairy tales.
Snow White
Prince Charming made his way through the group of seven dwarfs, until he stepped foot in front of the glass covered case that held his dear Snow White. He pushed the glass case open and kneeled to come face to face with Snow White. He kissed Snow White and Snow White woke from her deep sleep. The spell had been broken by true loves kiss. Prince Charming helped Snow White out of the case. He knelt down and asked for her hand in marriage right then and there. Snow White glanced at the seven dwarfs and saw their faces of suspense. She turned to the Prince and said “”
“What?” said Prince Charming.
“I’m sorry Prince, but I do not know you, not truly. Don’t be mistaken, I am grateful for you awakening me, but that is it. Farewell my friends!”
“Where will you go?” asked Grumpy.
“Im off to kill my step mother and collect my inheritance. And after that, I’m off to college so that I can become CEO of some grand company. I will travel the world and be as what Taylor Swift once said ‘the man’.”
Snow White kisses each of the seven dwarfs on their shiny bald heads and gives Prince Charming the warmest hug. She skips away joyfully through the Forrest with all her furry animals following behind her.
And she lived happily ever after. The end.