
I could barely see through the thick fog. I clutched my gun in my hand preparing myself for the work. I looked over at my comrade and we gave each other a nod. I wasn’t sure if we were gonna make it out alive or not.

There was all kinds of commotion around us. There were cries coming from all directions, pleas to be saved from these awful creatures that have come soon us. I tried my best not to think about it. We all knew this day would come eventually, we just didn’t know how soon it would be.

I heard our commander yell out orders for us to prepare in combat with whatever we face on those once sacred grounds. I held my gun up and then we all suddenly charged.

The fog was slowly lifting but it was still very unclear. Every soldier around me was shooting at the monster that was before us. I followed their lead and started firing without thinking. It wasn’t long before I started hearing cries of pain and agony coming from my comrades. They had gotten slaughtered by that thing. It was very heartbreaking.

We kept fighting and fighting, but it seemed that nothing could take down this creature. People start running out of ammunition and whenever that happened, they started to run. It was strange because we had been taught to fight for honor and not just fight for ourselves. Our ultimate goal while fighting was to win, but it seems some soldiers were valuing their own lives more than protecting and honoring the surviving civilians.

Once my gun finally ran out of ammunition I froze. I knew what i wanted to do. I wanted to run for my life, but i knew what needed to be done. I dropped my gun and pulled out the dagger that was kept in my armor. I gripped it firmly and took one final deep breath, knowing that it might be my last.

I started toward the thing while i was still preoccupied by the other soldiers. I watched as it ate one of my comrades and it was a horrible sight to see. I jumped on the things back and just started slashing away at it. I didn’t know the anatomy of this creature, so i didn’t know where its weak points were. I just kept slashing and slashing into the thing bled.

I started to tire after slashing the flesh of the creature for only about two minutes. Suddenly i felt myself get lifted up into the air and i was slowly being squished to death. I realized that i was in the grasp of the monster and it was now focused on me. I tried to fight my way out, but I wasn’t strong enough.

Then everything went dark.

The End.

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