
The band was anxious and about to start

My skinny knees were shaking my heart

Looking out at the crowd and our loving Ma

She was all alone and without our ole Pa

My wooden chair scraped the floor as I sat

With my drum sticks in my hand how’s that

The nice music teacher gave her first bow

Some of started to play some didn’t know

Me I dropped my wooden sticks onto the floor

Rolling and dropping off the stage no more

They moved to the edge and under the waiting seat

They all stopped to watch me climb and pause the beat

My white paper like skirt got caught on the chair mess

Picking up the lost sticks with my rip and tear dress

With the sticks tightly caught in my waiting drumming hand

I climbed back up on to the stage and resumed to play band

As we all packed our tired instruments up and went home

Awaiting for our next ‘you have to play’ for us all alone

“Look I didn’t ask to be picked. None of us did.”

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