‘It used to be much easier to forgive than to forget.’
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It used to be much easier to forgive than to forget. “Just wipe down the table and make sure you’ve swept!” I am done getting over things and building bridges, cuz what’s life without a couple of ridges? You say it doesn’t matter but you know it’s not true, but I’ve realized things that matter to me don’t matter to you. They say to say sorry just because it’s what’s right but what if I want a fight? What if I wanna talk about what’s right and what’s wrong? Everything is the same old song. You say things you don’t mean like people do behind movie screens. Just because it takes time to heal doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have to deal. But I’ll let you have this because it’s one of those things. When you’re married and have kids don’t forget that you’re the one who bought the ring. The ring in which you promised til death do you part, although life is like a shopping cart. Sometimes you put too many things in that you cannot afford, some things don’t always deserve an award. If you bite off more than you can chew…wouldn’t that be a stupid thing to do? But you’ll go in debt and lose your house up until you can only afford the mouse. The mouse that stays in the hole in the wall. Gee, I thought you said you knew it all? After all this, you still wouldn’t admit, that you my friend are in deep shit. You’ll move out of state, take the kids and leave behind the stupid things you did. Your wife will file for divorce because she doesn’t wanna take this course. This course is not one she signed up to take, don’t you see now that you’ve made a mistake? Of course you don’t because you chose this fight, so you leave and get on a one way flight. You go to a city that rains all day so you can have your own parade. This my friend is what it’s like when you choose the wrong fight.